How to Make Money with your Home Based Business

BusinessHome Business

  • Author Nermin Hadzikadunic
  • Published November 6, 2010
  • Word count 1,749

Studies say that 10% of the new US millionaires for the past ten years gained their millions through network marketing. Business gurus like Donald Trump of Trump University, Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad Poor Dad and Tony Robbins of Robbins Institute have said that home based business including network marketing will be the largest growing industry in the next years to come. Though it cannot be said that all networking businesses are successful as there have been many too that failed during the first four years, there are still many that do succeed out of the thousands that are opened each year.

To counter the recession and uncertain financial situation, setting up a home based business to augment your income or otherwise replace your current job is recommended. What does it take to have a successful network marketing business?

First, you must be ready to network or associated with people who think alike. When you join a network company, you need to build up your business and get involved in it. But it does not follow that you need to twist the necks of family and friends to buy the products or services that you sell. Successful marketers learn the importance of developing selling skills that will generate promising sales leads to people who are interested in the products or services and are prepared to buy it.

Second, you must have marketing know-how or be ready to learn them. Network marketing companies offer marketing support but you can also generate sales leads online. Traditional advertisement selling products or services thru newspapers, classifieds, radio ads or mailers have now been superseded by the internet.

Third, you need to believe in what you are selling so choose the company with products that you believe in and will actually use. To be able to sell convincingly, the products or services need to be something that you are excited to sell and can proudly recommend to other people. And your sales spiel will not be coming from the sales manuals and training books but from your heart.

Fourth, you must be ready to work. Network marketing is not a get rich quick scheme. The income you get will only be as much as the work that you put into selling especially during the start-up of your business. Being a home based business does not mean that you can just procrastinate and expect your income to come walking in the door. Effort, especially during the start-up, should be invested into the business for it to really earn.

If you then have what it takes to create and operate your home based business, start searching now for a company you believe in.

Strategies for Small Business Marketing

Anyone who has a business will always have a desire to grow and expand it. There are so many ways of growing a business: getting new customers, convincing customers to buy your products, convincing these customers to buy the more expensive or more profitable products. Being able to achieve these will result in more revenues for your business. The problem is basically how to get more customers.

Small business marketing does not only mean expensive advertising. Because small businesses usually have a small budget for marketing, be resourceful and find ways to market your business without having to spend so much. If you already have a competitively-priced product or service, you can then move on to strategies that will target your intended customers. This way, you do not waste resources on marketing to those who do not have a need for your business.

Come up with a newsletter that will contain information which will be useful for your existing customers and your prospects. You can have a printed newsletter that you can mail out or an online newsletter for those who subscribe to your website.

Cross-promoting or bartering will let you advertise your products or services and give others the chance to use it. One popular cross-promotion is advertising space in exchange for products or services. This is very much welcome when both companies are on a budget but have something worthy and useful to exchange with each other.

Piggyback on other businesses like having your brochure or marketing materials attached to another business’ mail. You can also do the same for them so you are able to reach out to another set of potential customers.

Send out a postcard that contains a short ad to prospective customers. Keep the message short as people tend to read postcards when the message is short. You can also stick on notes to sales invoices and all outgoing mail. It is possible to bring in additional customers to your business or your website from a simple message.

Entice customers to come back with a special offer or discount when they return. Be sure to include an expiration date so it will be within a reasonable time frame after their current purchase.

Diligence is necessary in small business marketing so you need to have a regular scheduled in tandem with your marketing plan. There is no guaranteed single solution to promoting your business so use different strategies to keep your existing customers interested and entice new ones.

How to Check Out and Get the Best Network Marketing Company

Over the years we have heard of network marketing scams and failures. Some multilevel marketing companies are well-intentioned but have a poor track record while others may just be plainly failures that stems from operational failures. How do you find one that you can count on? These are ten tips that will help you find the network marketing opportunity that will bring in the money.

Find out how long the company has been in existence. For all the efforts that you put in setting up your business and training yourself to sell the products or services, you must look for a network marketing company that will be around for quite awhile and not one who may not be in existence the following month. You need to look for one that has been around for 5 years or more.

Check out the capitalization of the network marketing company. Publicly traded companies are preferable as they are required to the SEC and other agencies every quarter. Private companies are not required to do this so there is a higher risk that their finances may not be that secure to sustain their growth, update their technology, get professional efficient managers or maintain stable operations.

Determine if the products and services are unique or if they are available from too many competing companies. They must be able to fulfill a real need of customers at a reasonable price. In short, you should be able to offer something of value to your market. Successful multilevel marketing companies continuously come out with new products or services that serve the ever-changing needs of consumers. The company should have signature products or services that the market will continue to use for a longer period of time and not just be a trend or a fad that will fizzle out after some time. There should always be a market big enough to sustain the marketers selling efforts on a long term basis.

Study if the network marketing company is taking advantage of technology for marketing. Some marketers are not much into personal sales but have mastered the use of the internet as a selling tool.

Find out if the person who is sponsoring you in joining the network marketing company is generous enough to coach, train and motivate you and not just recruit and sign you up. He should likewise be as committed as you are to achieving success.

What is important also is that you must enjoy what you are doing while you build up your business with the company and its people as your partners.

How to Make Money Online with Network Marketing

If you are considering opportunities to make money online, take into consideration some criteria on what type of business would work for you. There are many options although one of the most recommended one is an internet network marketing business.

This is the type of business that you can easily do at home. What is crucial at the start is that you team up with a reliable legitimate multilevel networking company that has a good track record. For a small fee, you get a product kit and invaluable marketing training. Take advantage of their training and coaching in order for you to strategize well on your home based business. Setting up an online business requires you to have a reliable e-commerce website, one that is stable and dependable enough to allow you to process orders online, accept payments, arrange for shipment pick-ups and talk to or email your present and potential customers on the sales side. On the other side, the website should be able to let recruits apply online, communicate with your marketers, allow them to check their commissions and it out from there. Having a comprehensive website allows you to focus on business strategies and personal matters while you let technology take care of the rest.

One important criterion in looking for a home based business where you can make money online is that it should not require you to go into debt in order to start up and operate. An internet network marketing business does not require you to acquire debt unless you choose a higher tier right at the start. You should avoid this, though as it puts too much pressure on you and the business and is the primary reason why many start-ups fail. With this type of business, you can start small and expand as you wish, allowing both you and your business to grow and mature naturally. Your business should be able to give you substantial profits with little risk.

Another important criterion to be able to successfully make money online is to be able to find one where the time required is something that you can handle. Some people have regular jobs while starting a home based business and make money online unless you have already saved up enough or have access to funds that can support your personal and family needs while you are starting off and building up your business to become profitable.

To make money online is not just a simple task and requires time, skills and a business mindset but with enough determination and hard work, it is one that will provide you with substantial income and self-fulfillment.

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