Help You Stop Bad Breath - 8 Simple Guidelines

Health & FitnessMedicine

  • Author Charles Zoe
  • Published November 15, 2010
  • Word count 552

Many people have bad breath without even realizing it. This can cripple your likelihood of enjoying a healthy social life, finding a significant other, and even advancement in your career. If you're dealing with bad breath all the time, though, it can be mortifying. So here are some tips to keep your mouth smelling fresh. Follow these 8 simple guidelines if you want to prevent bad breath, or even eliminate it.

  1. By eating crisp fruits and vegetables such as apple, celery, cucumber and carrot, your mouth is naturally cleaned. Plaque and food particles between your teeth and gums are removed during this process. I call this "auto-floss." Furthermore, you also increase your saliva flow when you eat crisp food. After all, above mentioned fruits and vegetable are good for your health and should be included in your regular diet.

  2. Brush your teeth and scrape your tongue first thing every morning, and also after each time you take a nap. Foul-smelling bacteria have had a chance to take over your mouth while you slept, and are most likely causing yucky "morning breath." Tongue scrapers can be found in most health food stores, and also in drug stores and convenience stores as they become more popular.

  3. Avoid toothpastes containing Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, or SLS: SLS offers no oral health benefits whatsoever. Its primary function is to act as a surfactant, allowing oil-based and water-based ingredients to combine more readily.

But it also has an important secondary function, which is to bubble and foam, making you think that something spectacular is happening in your mouth.

  1. Bacterium aren't a fan of foods such as citrus fruits, berries, and melon because they make the environment in your mouth too acidic, so get your fill of vitamin C. Another plus for consuming vitamin C is that it also helps prevent gum disease and gingivitis.

  2. Chew fresh parsley whenever you can; it doesn't only detoxify your mouth but it also contains abundant chlorophyll which sweetens your breath. Furthermore, the chewing act increases the flow of saliva that helps avoid dry mouth. Make your own mouthwash using aloe vera juice. Buy diluted aloe vera juice in your local pharmacy or herbal store. Add two teaspoons of it to a tumbler of water. Then gaggle your mouth with this solution.

  3. Drink plenty of water: Make sure you consume plenty of fluids during the day, especially water. Doing so will help wash food particles and excess mucous from your mouth. It will also help prevent dry mouth. This is very important, not only because it will help you prevent bad breath, but also because drinking a sufficient quantity of water each day is critical to your overall well-being. This is one of the best bad breath cure.

  4. Avoid foods such as garlic, onions, sugary foods, meats, fish, poultry, and eggs. All of these foods are notorious for causing bad breath. Fresh fruits and vegetables actually help to cleanse your entire system, and the result is improved breath. Leafy green vegetables, in particular, are well-known for assisting the body in maintaining fresh breath. Try chewing fresh peppermint, spearmint, parsley, or basil instead of gum.

  5. Eat yogurt. Studies have found that one serving of yogurt each day reduces the level of odor-causing hydrogen sulfide in the mouth. Be sure to eat ones with active cultures.

Author is an online medical researcher on bad breath cure. Click read more on bad breath cure, how to control bad breath.

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bad breath
bad breath · 13 years ago
hope this helps you. I had awful bad breath and tonsil stones. Thank god my only friend told me to check Oraltech Labs advice as it got rid of her bad breath and her post nasal drip. I've been following Oraltech Labs advice for about 4 months now and I feel much better, also at work people are not avoiding me anymore so it seems to have cured my bad breath as well, so good luck. Jenny NY

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