Identifying Sinus Problems

Health & Fitness

  • Author Michael Corben
  • Published December 7, 2010
  • Word count 602

Sinusitis simply means that your sinuses are swollen because of other related sinuses problem with the likes of inflammation and infection. Medical practitioners and experts have classified sinus cases into four types depending on the duration of the attack; Acute Sinusitis that lasts up to four weeks, Subacute that lasts from four to twelve weeks, Chronic which can last from twelve weeks to a year and Recurrent where in a person can have several attacks in a single year. Most common of these cases is the Acute Sinusitis, although medical societies have yet to establish a solid figure of cases worldwide.

Usually acute sinusitis starts with a common cold. Common colds can inflame and irritate your sinuses; the cold and the sinus inflammation normally go away without conventional treatment within two weeks time. But if the inflammation caused by the cold leads to an infection, then it is classified as acute sinusitis.

The inflammation can lead to the swelling of the mucous linings of your sinuses, trapping air and mucus in the process. When mucus is trapped and is unable to drain into your nose, it can become a rich source of nutrients for bacteria. Although fungal infections rarely trigger acute sinusitis as we have a natural resistance to fungi but for those who have weak immune systems, fungi can cause sinus problems.

People who suffer from allergies and other chronic problems that mainly affect the nose are also prone to acute sinusitis attacks.

There is also a condition often referred to as swimmer’s sinusitis, this is usually common to people with allergies to heavily chlorinated pool water.

Most people typically chlorinate their swimming pools to keep the water free of germs and bacteria. This is a good and common practice; however, swimming in chlorinated water may cause sinus or ear infections. When chlorinated water enters the ear or the sinus cavity of the swimmer, the chlorine begins to trigger the swelling of your mucus membranes. Your mucus membrane can easily be invaded by viruses or bacteria when it is swollen or inflamed. Apart from the apparent threat of a bacterial invasion, swollen sinus linings may obstruct the small opening in your sinus cavities that leads into the upper area of the nasal passage.

In managing sinus problems and attacks, it is recommended to have a healthy diet and lifestyle to boost up ones immune system. There are two common ways of treatment, the conventional with the use of prescription drugs and antibiotics and the alternative method using home and herbal remedies.

For conventional treatment, antibiotic medications are used to treat sinusitis. Such medications are usually prescribe by your attending physician for about two weeks but may be given for even longer periods depending on the patient’s drug interaction. Decongestants and the use of decongestant nasal sprays can be helpful for clogged nasal passages. Ibuprofen can be also administered to decrease the pain and headache associated with sinusitis.

In alternative treatments, irrigating the sinuses with a salt-water solution is recommended in order to clear the nasal passages of mucus. Other herbal treatments, taken internally with the likes of goldenseal and olive leaf extracts have proved to alleviate sinus problems. A direct inhalation of essential oils (two drops of oil to two cups of water) using thyme, rosemary, and lavender can help open the sinuses and kill bacteria that cause infection.

Acupuncture has been used to treat sinusitis, as well as variety of dietary supplements, including vitamins A, C, and E, and zinc. Contrast hydrotherapy or hot and cold compresses, applied directly over the sinuses can relieve pressure and enhance healing.

Michael Corben wishes to help people who are suffering from chronic sinusitis get cured by natural means. If you’d like to learn more on sinusitis symptoms, visit [](

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