3 Steps To Play Piano Professionally

Arts & EntertainmentBooks & Music

  • Author A.rash A.mumin
  • Published January 12, 2011
  • Word count 856

If you ever sit at piano before the crowd and get "freezed up" because you just don't know what to do, or the music just gone out of your memory, you are not alone, you can learn How to avoid this Moment of Embarrassment Every Pianist Hate.


PROFESSIONAL PIANIST knows one thing for sure; He is not the one playing the piano; he is only a conduit through which the music flows.

What made him a better pianist is not that he practices the piano more but that he knows what no body wants you to know.

Pianists know that playing piano is not about keeping so many schedules with your piano teacher or buying so many products but that the music is just there inside and around you in abundance like air and water and you only have to know how to let it pass through you when the inspiration strikes you.

All what you do is learn how to make a date with the inspiration and the music will come on schedule.

You have to learn how to set in motion a mysterious but infallible sequence of events that would produce the inspiration.

If you really want to play the piano you have to know these 3 steps that Professional pianists know and nobody is teaching it to young aspiring piano students.


Leaders in piano music are not just the ones who play, they are the ones who find out WHY they play, they connect themselves to the purpose, and then they play it

Get in touch with the excitement you feel when you produce the music that people swoon for because it keeps every cell in their body dancing and sobbing with joy.

Get in touch with your passion stream and keep the state as long as you can.

Now, why would you do that?

Because these states of passion and excitement are contagious and can attract, not only people but unknown forces, to rally for your support.


That is performing the mundane physical act of walking to the piano, sitting down the right way and starting to work your fingers on the keyboard.

When you get use to these, you will know for sure that "if you built it, she would come."

The music will not disappoint you, if you set the psychology and physiology in a good position, the music will come. It is fun and your heart will sing whenever you think of playing piano.

3- Know the language to communicate the music to the world around you.

This is important because…

The great pianists aren't always the ones who have the big ideas in music; they are the ones who can clearly communicate them to others.

The real moment of true to a pianist is… when you sit at piano facing the piano and the crowd in front of you. Suddenly the atmosphere is quiet and your eyes fixed on the keys. The whole world is looking at you, expecting you to take them to the Promised Land with your piano music.

What you do is not trying to remember the notes and the music, but connecting to your self and the inspiration.

The inspiration will come if you are well ready for it, then use your musical communication skill to get it out there… or face the greatest humiliation in your life, you will have to live with for the rest of your life.

There is a popular and true story of a young pianist who studied in the Royal School of Music (ABRSM) in England with "distinctions" from Associated Board of Directors. She learned how to play piano music from the best piano teachers at the time for 10 years and spent over $5,600 in the process.

This pianist was at a party, she was asked by friends to entertain the guest with piano. But something unexpected happened.

All the music she learned was gone. She was shocked, shocked and humiliated.

This’s what she said "I froze like a deer caught in the headlights. It was as if the wind got knocked out me. My hands felt like they were chained to cement blocks... I couldn't move. Seconds seemed like hours. I just sat there staring at the keys. The overbearing silence was so thick I could have sliced it with a knife."

Every body in the party was disappointed as a result. This embarrassment and humiliation led her to dig deeper into knowledge and research to help and save the young aspiring pianists from experiencing such heart breaking moment and the frustration that follows.

She finally discovered a Tested And Proven means of communicating the music to the audience called The Definitive Piano Improvisation Course.

I am bringing this up because I want to bring home a point…to play piano professionally and access your music easily; you have to master these 3 secrets not even your piano teacher will tell you.

Please do share this with friends and allies - all are welcome to participate. I look forward to sharing my insights with you.


Rash is an inspirational leader and a pianist for Mastering Piano Now. Rash believes that... no matter who you are, "there is a piano genius in you" and his site (http://www.masteringpianonow.com/)

MY STORY (http://masteringpianonow.com/?p=8).

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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