The Best Methods to Lose Weight After You Have Your Baby

Health & FitnessWeight-Loss

  • Author Andri Dukk
  • Published December 24, 2010
  • Word count 532

Don't stress out if you aren't happy with the weight you gained while you were growing your baby. You can drop those pounds quickly if you know what to do. You might be worried that you won't have the time to work out because your baby is still at the stage where it needs you to stay close most of the time. Of course, your baby will be taking lots of naps. If you make sure to workout while your baby is napping, you won't have to wait long to see good results. Here are some things that you can do during your baby's naptime that will charge up your day and keep you feeling (and looking) your best!

Yoga: Yoga uses stretching and toning to get back in shape. The best part about yoga is that it's slow and non-impact so you can actually get your workout in while your baby is napping. There are lots of videos online that you can use to get through a workout--there are even some apps for smartphones that you can use to teach you yoga moves. Once you do yoga for a few weeks, you'll notice that you feel stronger and better, and your clothes will begin fitting better, too. Forearm Plank With Breathing: For this post-natal workout to lose weight, you'll get down on your hands and knees, making sure your wrists are directly under your shoulders. Then you will slowly lower yourself until the forearms rest flat on the surface below you. Your body and legs now need to make a straight line. As you squeeze your abs, take a deep breath and slowly let it out. The next stage of this exercise is a pushup type movement. Do three sets of these exercises. This exercise will help you strengthen your core and correct your posture.

Lunges: lunges are great calorie burners because they work all of your leg muscles. So not only will lunges help you lose weight quickly, but they will also build the muscles in your legs which means you'll be burning more calories while at rest. To do a proper lunge, stand with your feet hip-width apart, put your hands on your hips and bring your abs in. Move your left foot forward until your leg bands at a 90 degree angle. Keep your right leg straight behind you and lower your body until your right knee until it very nearly hits the floor. Slowly come back up and repeat with the other leg. For a proper workout, do this five times with each leg. These exercises, if done often enough, can reveal dramatic results in just a few short weeks. You can do them while your baby takes a nap and you can break up your workout to doing several exercises throughout the day instead of trying to do everything at once. Of course, it is even easier to shed weight if you do them all at once at least three times a week (or any other 20-30 minute workout three times each week). So if you do these exercises as often as your body can handle it you'll get back to your pre-baby size in no time..

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