Dental Assistant Schools

Reference & Education

  • Author Sophie Beck
  • Published February 18, 2011
  • Word count 652

Becoming a dental assistant is becoming a growing popular career choice for many Americans today, and because of the growing popularity there seems to be more and more schools and programs that are offering certificates and degrees of some type for dentist assisting. It is because there are just so many choices to choose from that you make sure that the college or program you choose is indeed a certified institution that issue certificates that are accepted in dentist offices in the real world.

Here are a few thing to look out for when selecting a assistant institution or program to enter. The assisting class itself should not be a very long class or program. These programs generally run anywhere from 6 months to 12 months and cover the basics of becoming a dentist assistant. They training in such tasks such as taking x-rays, making casting of teeth and answering phones, these are all part of the daily duties of a dental assistant. One can expect to out working in a dentists office in less than a year with most programs.

In addition you will find that the more respectable colleges and institutions will offer placement programs. These placement programs are designed to help a student land a position once they have completed their programs or classes. Placement programs are something to keep in mind when searching for a institute or program for assisting. Even though the assistant job outlook is very hot right now, it can be very beneficial to know you are going to go to work straight out of university and not have to go from dentist office to dentist office to see if they are hiring.

A diploma, degree or certificate from a assistant institution insures you have the necessary training required to gain employment as a dental assistant. Below are some well-established, reputable schools, colleges and institutions that offer career education and programs for assisting. They are available in several states and also through distance learning correspondence.

  1. Everest College

Everest College assistant programs covers dental x-rays, dental anatomy and laboratory procedures. Training classes take place in a laboratory-like setting, utilizing major dental equipment such as dentist chairs, oxygen tanks and ultrasonic units.

  1. US Career Institute

US Career Institute is a correspondence certificate program which provides online and distance-learning instruction for dental assistants. The program covers equipment use, patient care, office administration, disease knowledge, pediatric dentistry, oral pathology and other subjects. This is a 4 month correspondence program.

  1. Ultimate Medical Academy

Ultimate Medical Academy assistant programs cover assisting dentists during routine cleanings, advanced procedures and office operations as well as radiology training.

  1. Lincoln Technical Institute

Lincoln Technical Institute assistant programs cover four-handed dentistry, chair-side assistance, pediatric dentistry, orthodontics, surgical procedures and dental radiology.

  1. Sanford-Brown College

Sanford-Brown College assistant programs cover dental anatomy, pathology, radiography, chair side techniques and dental laboratory and office administration It is located in Missouri

  1. Allied College

Allied College programs instruct assistant students in classes and procedures such as dental x-ray procedures, chair side equipment use, laboratory procedures, dental office administration and other critical skills, and include an externship where students gain real-world experience. It is located in Missouri

  1. Americare School of Nursing

Americare School of Nursing offers over 1,010 hours of classroom and clinical instruction. The program ends with a clinical externship and covers areas like general dentistry, pediatric dentistry, oral and Maxillofacial surgery and Periodontics. It is Florida based.

  1. Remington College

The Remington College offers an 8 month diploma program. It covers oral anatomy, radiology, and dental science fundamentals. It is located in Cleveland, Ft. Worth, Houston and Nashville.

You can find Dental Assistant Schools, Colleges and Institutions that offer courses and programs in the following states;




















North Carolina


New Jersey

New Mexico


New York











West Virginia

Interested in becoming a dental assistant? The jobs and employment outlook for a dental assistant career is growing every year. Find the best dental assistant training schools, dental assistant information and programs online or at a school near you today! Visit:

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