Lose Weight By Dancing - Reviews
Health & Fitness → Weight-Loss
- Author Jodi Pearson
- Published March 1, 2011
- Word count 622
It’s a New Year and it's time for a New You! How many of us have made the resolution to lose weight? Now how many years have you made the same resolution and then gave up? Maybe you do not need to lose weight but you see changes happening in our body that was not there 5 to 10 years ago.
Let's see if you can relate to any of these problems. Look at yourself in the mirror - are your thighs sagging or starting to sag, do they sway to and fro when you walk and do you have cellulite dimples front and back of your thighs? Now look behind you at your butt. No matter the size of your tush do you see cellulite there and is it starting to sag? Turn back around and look at your waist. When you put your jeans on do you see a "muffin top" or a "muffin top" that goes all the way around your waist? Do you have a protruding stomach area? Now hold your arms out to the side. Do you have or starting to get the dreaded "bat wings" which is loose flabby skin under your upper arms? OMG - No wonder you are depressed and gave up! Okay it is time to start over with dedication, determination and commitment to lose the extra weight and get fit.
Most of us do not have the financial means or time to go to a gym or hire a fitness trainer. I know I don't. I think it is great for those who can afford a monthly gym membership and want to feel the burn to get fit and lose weight with the "No Pain - No Gain" mantra. Women on the other hand want to lose weight and also tone and firm up to feel beautiful, sexy and bring out the "Inner Goddess" we have hidden inside of us. The biggest problems with workouts is we start doing them because we don't like the way our body looks right now and we want to look different and feel better. What if I told you that there is another way for you to lose weight, tone up and get physically fit without the use of a gym but from the privacy of your own home and is fun to do.
Dancing is a great way to get fit and lose the weight you want to lose. Think about it that when you are dancing you are moving your arms, legs, core, hips and working all your muscles at one time in unison with music. You are also burning calories, getting a Cardio Workout, toning and firming your body all through the power of Dance. Dancing makes you feel Happy, Energetic, Sexy and puts you in tune with your body. Did you know that happiness affects your body? There is a brand new DVD that just came out Lose Weight by Dancing that will help you get fit and lose weight through the power of dancing and was created by Theresa Stevens.
This DVD offers step by step instructions, two dance Choreographies and is guaranteed to help you lose weight. This DVD also comes with an E-book called 30 Days to Dance Your Way to Body Joy. Theresa has gone one step further by throwing in a "Bonus" dance DVD and a 365 day guarantee that if you are not completely satisfied you can return it and receive your money back. Theresa states there are 3 Secrets about the Power of Happiness that determines whether you can lose weight. To learn these secrets now and get more information on Lose Weight by Dancing please click on link below . This brand new DVD will be available 1-12-2011.
For more information on Lose Weight By Dancing please visit http://weightloss.greatmoneyreview.com
I enjoy reviewing new products and passing on information so the public is well informed before purchases are made.
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