What Is the Quickest Way to Lose Weight While Remaining Healthy?

Health & FitnessWeight-Loss

  • Author Jackson Golde
  • Published February 28, 2011
  • Word count 581

Because so many people want to know the quickest way to lose weight, the diet industry is a billion dollar industry. Unfortunately, because so many people want to lose weight fast, lots of unhealthy and even dangerous diets are dangled in front of millions of people desperate to lose weight. I'll share with you one of the quickest ways to lose weight that won't jeopardize your health, won't cost you a fortune, and can be adapted to any lifestyle.

Which Diets Should You Steer Clear From?

First, let's take a look at some of the diets you should stay away from. Even though these diets make you lose weight fast, they are nutritionally unsound, they lack all the vitamins you need, and you only end up losing water and muscle.

So here are the top 5 diets you should stay away from:

  1. The Grapefruit Diet

  2. 48 Hour Hollywood Diet

  3. The Cabbage Soup Diet

  4. The 3 Day Diet

  5. The Peanut Butter Diet

Why are these diets so unhealthy? Despite being a fast way to lose weight, these top 5 diets severely restrict caloric intake and delete complete food categories. Also, these diets are not sustainable over the long haul. Any diet you choose should be sustainable over the long haul. When I think of food plans that allow me the quickest way to lose weight, I think of a low carb food plan.


I love Atkins because not only is it the quickest way to lose weight, it's come a long way since it first came out in 1972. Lots of veggies and fruits have been added. Here's how and why it works.

Sugar is the Enemy

Sugar has become the enemy in the war on fat. Sugar sets us up on a roller coaster ride. We may get immediate relief when we bite into that brownie bar, but then an hour later, our blood sugar dips, making us tired and needing another "lift" so we go back and get more sugar. The cycle goes on and on. To make things worse, society tells us to eat bread, bagels, white rice and donuts.

Carbohydrate Sensitive

All white flour turns into glucose (another word for sugar). It has the same impact on your blood sugar as sugar does. Why do you think you're so hungry 2 hours after having eaten a Chinese food dinner?

The Best Food Plan To Lose Weight

The best food plan that is both healthy and sound, and guaranteed to make you lose weight is the Atkins food plan. What I like about this plan is that you have the option of eating 3 regular meals with 2 snacks or 4-5 mini meals. The meals consist of protein fruit and vegetables. You can eat fats like avocado, olive oil, butter, cream, etc. It sounds like it would make you fat, but I tell you, this food plan is the most delectable plan. You're never hungry on the plan. You eat as much as you want until you're comfortably full.

Here's a Sample Day Plan:


2 oz Bacon 2 fried eggs

2 cups salad with cherry tomato

1 Tbl. Ranch Dressing

(Drink two 8 oz glasses of water at every meal)


3 scrambled Egg Omelets with

1 cup bean sprouts, onion, and mushroom

soy sauce


1 Cup of chicken Broth with 4 oz Real Chicken Breast

1 cup green beans

1 cup of mushrooms

Now doesn't this sound filling? It is. There's no deprivation when eating a low carb way. I definitely think eating a low carb lifestyle is the quickest way to lose weight.

Want to learn more about the quickest way to lose weight?

Visit my TightenTheTummy.com site right now to learn about a powerful weight loss formula. Plus I'll even give you one free weight loss video to get you started.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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