Who Says "Play Piano In 30 Days" is a Scam. Do it Yourself Now.

Arts & EntertainmentBooks & Music

  • Author A.rash A.mumin
  • Published March 10, 2011
  • Word count 1,152

Yes, Experts in Mastering Piano Believe that;

"Playing the Piano is a Process and Not an Outcome-You're Always Becoming More."

Here is something else to keep in mind:

Playing piano can not be circumscribed by the time because it is a life-long process. Yet I believe allocating time to your goal of mastering the piano can help you get the most out of your natural abilities even in unfavorable conditions. Let me explain this...

If you want to play the piano by yourself, and you don't have enough time, or money, then taking the time to read this article will be the best thing to do now... to get your life on the fast track, playing piano with confidence.

Here's what this is all about:

Someone posted a comment on my blog that "Play Piano in 30 days" is a scam and unreasonable claim after reading my article "How to Master Piano the Easy Way." This kept me awake for some time and inspired me to start thinking; if I want to play piano in 30 days with little or no money starting from scratch, how can I make it happen?

Why is this relevant?

Experience show that: There are lots people out there who want to play the piano, but have that believe that it is difficult to do and takes a long time. I think they are living the past (where I use to be.)

Today I am going to reveal why living in the past is going to hunch you over, and Kill not only your dream but the hope your family and friends invest in you. I would show you what you can do now to start living your best life as a pianist.

But before I share that, with you, I'd like to tell you this, This is not for everybody... it's for you if you ever said to your self any of the following;

I want to play piano, but I don't have enough time.

I want to play piano, but I have only one month holidays.

I want to play piano, but I don't have money.

I only want to play my favorite song.

I just want to have fun with piano, if....

Bear with me, because I'm going to show you how.

If I were a newbie today, this is what I shall do to become a pianist in 30 days. The strategy I am talking about involves three stages-you can use them easily.

1- Knowledge.

2- Experience.

3- Mastery.

This strategy can work for anybody, anywhere, anytime, and at any budget.

Let me show you exactly how this works:

1- Knowledge.

First 10 days;

I shall take advantage of the Internet; search for free information on piano, cheap programs, books, and videos to learn basics of chords, techniques and some tricks to play piano faster.

I shall learn technical procedures in scales and fingering and then move quickly to study key notation.

I can then familiarize myself with a keyboard diagram and spend a lot of time studying chord structure.

Now, get this in mind. This is important because I know this;

A pianist uses chords to play piano much the same way a painter uses a palette of colors to paint a picture. This shows how valuable chords are to pianists.

I am not done yet:

I shall write down, at list, 3 of my favorite song. Sing them repeatedly till I can memorize them.

2- Experience.

For the next 10 days;

I shall start to practice piano chords, get a feel of the chords, and how to use them. I would love it, thus getting satisfaction on the keyboard. I shall work on chords till I can instantly recognize them when someone is playing a song even without being at a piano. I shall also focus on playing the melody, one note at a time, with the right hand and playing basic chords with the left hand.

Why is this necessary?

If I understand why pianists play chords at any point in a song, I will be able to learn songs faster and easier. I can imagine how that will make mastering the piano easy and fun.

I have an even better idea. Here's the real kicker:

You Tube Piano Videos

I shall go to You Tube to find videos that play my favorite songs. If I get one with a tutorial, I will jump on it. Play along with it till I can do it without the video.

Better yet,

Even if, there are no tutorials for my songs, I can still use any video that play my song, and apply "lettering of keys techniques." to it. It's just making efforts to know exactly-- what keys they are playing on video, and then labeling them on the keyboard with sticky notes using letters like (a.b.c), and so on. Make sure that I master the labels well and can even play them with my eyes closed. This is how.

All what I shall do is play the video, slowing it down when am not clear, and pausing it to take note of what key they are pressing. I will then apply it on my keyboard. The more I do it the faster I become.

I will continue doing that till I can play all my favorite songs on the keyboard.

3- Mastering.

The last 10 days.

I will think like a professional; I will try to improvise.

The most valuable skill in playing piano is to free my inner music to create my own music. Note reading will come easily after that.

Here is a way to think about it:

I will now take all what I have learned and use it in a variety of situations in any related music.

By using the knowledge, I will be able to assimilate new ideas easily to play piano quickly, not because of the knowledge alone, but because of the experience I have in practicing with the materials.

Back to the purpose of this article...

At the end of the 30 days, I will be able to play piano for my family and friends. I can talk to any piano genius on any subject on the piano. Now you can or suppose you could... what would your life look like after 30 days.

However, don't take my word for it;

Sure, you are getting excited about this strategy now, but what you are going to find after applying it for 30 days is that; you will be jumping for joy. And that's just the beginning.

Your experience in 30 days will inspire you to keep on challenging yourself to learn more piano techniques and theories.

You will come to understand this number one secret to mastering the piano; "Playing the piano is a process and not and end goal-you're always becoming more."

Your life will never be the same again because you can now connect to a better future: Mastering piano music.

Rash is an inspirational Leader and a pianist who believe you have a piano genius in you.

To Visit his website for more information http://www.masteringpianonow.com/

RESOURCES to Help You "Play Piano In 30 Days" Click Here;


Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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