SEP IRA - There May Be Better Alternatives for Your Self Employment Retirement Plan


  • Author Fortune Ability
  • Published April 19, 2011
  • Word count 391

The SEP IRA is primarily used by US small business owners and self employed individuals, along with their employees. It stands for Simple Employee Pension Individual Retirement Account.

Most financial advisors recommend IRA's to the majority of their clients, whether the SEP IRA or another kind. They have tax benefits for the near term and are an easy way to park money in a mutual fund and leave it there, hoping it will see gains that outpace inflation, advisor fees, and fund management fees.

Statistics show that managed funds, on average, do not outperform the markets and history of fund manager success, even a five year history of success, has zero indication on whether or not they will perform the same in year six.

Except for the Roth IRA, you still need to pay taxes on the gains in your account when you use the cash. The Roth IRA (Like the TFSA in Canada) doesn't give you immediate tax benefits, but it allows your money to grow tax free. Roth IRA's have a lower contribution threshold than other IRA's. SEP IRA's give larger contribution room and do not require the same regular contributions as some of the other IRA products.

Though most mainstream advisors recommend SEP or other IRA's, the rich and well connected do not depend on them for their retirement needs. The wealthy use many other strategies that are not usually available to the general public.

More and more programs are coming on the market that are focused on the self directed investor who has realized that their money is not working for them to its maximum potential in their SEP or other IRA's using typical mainstream financial advisors. Managing your own finances within the SEP IRA can be beneficial if you know what you are doing.

Crashproof Prosperity is one of these programs that let you know what you should be doing with well known stand-up people behind it. It gives access to the insider information of the rich and well connected through Gerald Celente, Kip Herriage an Wayne Allyn Root.

This approach to financial management is becoming more common...and has potential to outpace the usual SEP IRA and others that are recommended by the financial a long shot. Proponents would also say it is less risky. if 2008 is any indication, they may be right.

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