Secrets Revealed - Learn to Play Lead Guitar Methods! (Palm Muting)

Arts & EntertainmentBooks & Music

  • Author Janise Majette
  • Published June 7, 2011
  • Word count 386

Within the fifth installment, I will teach you all about palm muting. 'Palm muting' is a guitar strategy, executed within the pick hand, and accustomed to muffle the strings slightly, while simultaneously striking the guitar strings with the pick.

This technique is primarily used when playing an electrical guitar however it will also sound excellent with an acoustic if done correctly. Palm muting is performed in several genres of music. If you wish to hear a few examples, best is to check out speed metal bands for example dragon force or slayer.

But probably the most essential things to remember is that you really should focus on it. You can read all the guides in the world, and it won't enhance your strategy or give you a personal sense of style. With more practice, you'll gain many of these things, and much more; a larger knowledge of guitar and a style all your own! You won't have to emulate anyone else, but any way, to palm muting!

Palm Muting

Palm muting, as it's name suggest, requires the right hand palm muting the guitar strings while still playing out notes. You might ask when it's muted, just how can notes be heard? The reply is that palm muting Doesn't fully mute the guitar strings but rather muffle these phones give a chunky sort of sound.

How to do a palm mute?

Position your right hand close to the bridge

Rest the heel of your palm lightly on the strings near the bridge.

Position you fretting hand to experience a power chord

Now, with the heel of you palm about the guitar strings, make use of picking hand to play the chord.

There you have it, palm muting.

How's a palm mute indicated?

------------------ The palm silence is advised with a 'P.M-----------l'

--5555--7777-- As seen in the diagram, the fretting hand is about the power chords G and A

--5555--7777-- And the P.M--------l is used to indicate that the two power chords are palm muted.


Palm M----------l

While it might look hard, palm muting is a Vital and simple to understand technique for the guitar. It will lead you some time to get both hands right, especially your picking hand to get that much desired muted sound.

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