Looking Good and Feeling Great - Healthy Aging

Health & Fitness

  • Author Chris Brines
  • Published July 18, 2011
  • Word count 779

Aging is an inevitability built in to all of our lives since birth, always looming in the distance and getting closer as the years go by. The deterioration of one's health is a process that occurs in unison with our advancing years. While science, technology and medicine have yet to jointly solve the "mystery" of aging, there are simple things that we can do to make our aging process an easier, more graceful transition instead of feeling helpless and at the mercy of time and our DNA.

Maturing and growing older does not have to be an acceptance of fragility, we don't have to simply give up and let ourselves break down. Maintaining mental and physical health as we age can be achieved - by using nothing more than some common sense and applying it to your diet and day to day life. Let's look at some of the things you can do to ensure you maintain your health and not only age well, but wisely too.

Like all things related to personal health, aging well foremost requires an attention to both diet and exercise. In addition to these two cornerstones, certain things, such as vision, hearing and cardiovascular health are also going to require more attention as we age.

When it comes to diet, the rules never really change, regardless of what period of your life you're in. Eat well but also eat smart - adapt and maintain a diet which allows your body to receive what it requires to maintain overall optimal health. Consumption of a diet with whole grains, fish, poultry, fresh fruit and vegetables is the foundation. Calcium must also be given attention as we age since our bones deteriorate slowly over time. Calcium in the diet can be attained not only through dairy consumption, but also through calcium fortified fruit juices and also green leafy vegetables. Caffeine, red meat, alcohol and anything with excessive amounts of sugar (*such as soda, candy bars, etc) should be reduced or eliminated. Also of importance is hydration - the commonly accepted level of water consumption, which is eight glasses per day, is vital and necessary as it maintains the health of your skin and therefore plays a large role in your outward appearance. And no, water in coffee, soda and beer do not count!

Exercise. If the mere mention of the word strikes fear into your heart, well, you'd better get over that, and get over it quickly. Maintaining your health cannot be achieved through diet alone, exercise must complete the regimen. There are many ways exercise can be achieved, all without having to join a gym or make time in your day to day life for a scheduled workout. One very easy way to allow more physical activity into your life is to walk more. You can simply eliminate some of the driving you normally do and replace it with walking, undoing the habit of driving everywhere is more difficult than the actual walking you'll be replacing the driving with. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Go for a walk in the morning after breakfast or in the evening after dinner. You don't have to give up your car entirely.

Besides diet and exercise, as you age you'll need to pay more attention to your body. See your doctor regularly for a check up. In addition to your yearly overall check up, take care of your eyes and ears. Your eyes should be examined every two years and your ears should be tested every two years also. Deteriorating vision and gradual hearing loss are two of the most prevalent medical conditions in North America, be diligent and visit your ear or eye doctor if you notice any changes in either. A proper diet also aids in ear and eye health.

Lastly, look after your teeth. If you've established good dental hygiene habits when you were younger, then don't change them! And if you didn't, it's not a bad idea to change your ways even if you are a bit further along life's path. Visit your dentist twice a year for a full exam and cleaning. Brush twice a day, without fail. And, the most important thing, make sure you floss thoroughly at least once a day. The combination of these things will assist your level of dental health dramatically.

Above all else, be aware and accepting of the fact you're aging. Denial serves no positive purpose, despite how easy it is to cultivate. Being aware of your body and health and making health lifestyle decisions will allow you to age while looking and feeling great, both on the inside and the outside. Age well. Age gracefully.

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Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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