Most Popular Magic Books

Arts & EntertainmentBooks & Music

  • Author Merlin Mack
  • Published November 24, 2011
  • Word count 1,152

People all over the world have been fascinated by the glamour, amusement and stimulation of magic since centuries. If we look into the most ancient records of history, we might find stories, chronicles and legends in which magic existed. Even today, the magnetism and attraction of magic has not ended and people of all ages and belonging to every race of life are interested to find the truth behind magic. Although, with the passage of time, the schemes and techniques of performing magic might have been altered to some extent, however the apprehension and anticipation pertaining to magic in the hearts of people stays.

People want to learn magic for different reasons. One of the most common reasons behind learning magic is to amuse others. Many people only learn magic so that they could astonish, astound and overwhelm others. Whatever the reason, there are many sources from where any body could gather information pertaining to magic. Among these sources books are the most significant. There are hundreds of books available these days which can enlighten readers about magic. Not all of these books available are worth purchasing and reading, but there are definitely some books which really open the world of magic in front of the readers. These books put in the picture the tricks and spells which every body wants to know, tell about the history of magic, how magic works, and all the precision behind magic. Here, we have drawn together some of the most popular books in magic. If you are interested in magic, then you would unquestionably find these books greatly accommodating and interesting.

Card College

The Card College is an interesting book which has been written by Roberto Giobbi. This book has been published in five volumes and this book features the tricks of cards. This book guides the reader right from the first time he or she holds the pack of cards in the hand and enables the reader to learn hundreds of interesting and astonishing card tricks. Not only does the book enlightens about tricks and sleights, but it also covers all the other factors which are involved during the performance like audience management, misdirection, etc. If you are fascinated by card magic, then Roberto Giobbi’s Card College is the absolute choice for you.

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Magic Tricks

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Magic Tricks is an implausible book written by Tom Ogden which is favored by beginner learners of magic. This book delivers a fantastic foundation and introduces the world of magic to learners who are committed to learn more about magic. The instructions, illustrations and explanations furnished in this book are incredibly simple and easy to comprehend. The beginning chapters of the book are focused to explain the history of magic and the latter chapters offer great information about magic as well.

Modern Coin Magic

J.B. Bobo’s Modern Coin Magic is an exceptional book for people who are interested in coin magic. Every coin worker should own this book because this book is an essential reference book pertaining to coin magic. This magical book of magic encompasses the finest traditional methods and the contemporary innovations. In the book the reader is guided systematically from the basic tricks and techniques to the more intricate and complicated acts. It is the perfect manual for beginners and professionals.

Now you see it, now you don’t: lessons in sleight of hand

This is a simple yet revealing book written by Bill Tarr, William Tarr and Barry Ross. This book presents learn-by-picture classical sleights which are performed by professionals around the world. The sleights taught by the book include sleight-of-hand performances with cards, coins, balls and other things. The book effectively builds the early magic foundation of every beginner. In only few minutes, you can reveal the great classics of magic after reading this book.

Mark Wilson’s Complete Course in Magic

Mark Wilson’s Complete Course in Magic has proved to be one of the fundamental books which can turn a beginner learner into a professional magician. This book explains and elaborates stage magic, close-up and more sophisticated illusions. This book is incredibly popular among magic lovers and is easily available on stores. This book is undoubtedly one of the best guides to learning and performing magic.

Magic and Showmanship: A Handbook for Conjurers

This improbable book is written by Henning Nelms and it presents diverse methods and techniques of conjuring, misdirection, sleights and also controlling the audience attention. Besides incorporating incredible techniques and tricks, this book enlightens the readers about the postures, body language, movement and positioning which magicians should follow. The book comprises of everything from uncomplicated card tricks to more intricate illusions. Magicians of all levels find information of great interest in this book. It is a great handbook for amateur magicians.

Magic: Stage Illusions, Special Effects and Trick Photography

Albert A. Hopkins is the writer of this far-fetched book which presents the conventional and typical stage illusions which had been performed by great magicians. The book comprises of more than four hundred brilliant illustrations for the better understanding of readers. The different chapters in the book cover magic including juggling, sword swallowing, fire eating, magic photography, ancient magic, automatons, etc. This book is simply one of the most excellent books available.

Real Magic: An introductory treatise on the basic principles of yellow magic

The writers of this book are Isaac Bonewits and Phillip Emmons. The hidden secrets, laws, manifestations and history of real magic are disclosed in this far-fetched book by the writers. The method by which the reality of magic is revealed in this book is really worth applause and praise. From the dark ages to the new developed world, the journey of real magic is exposed and discovered. The Real Magic is in actuality a classic.

Chemical Magic

Leonard Augustine Ford and E. Winston Grundmeier have written the Chemical Magic. This book was basically written after Leonard Augustine Ford conducted magic shows in college science fairs, and these shows received exceptionally flattering response. The demonstrations in those college science fair shows have been compiled in the book Chemical Magic by the writers. This book is considered to be among the most popular magic manuals all over the world. What makes the book even more interesting and amusing, is that the book not only focuses on magic tricks, but the significance of scientific principles is also explained in the book.

Magic Squares and Cubes

Magic Squares and Cubes is written by William Symes Andrews. The magic square means that the numbers would be arranged in a square in such a way that the total of every column, every row and the two corner diagonals would be the same. This total figure is called the summation. The history and significance of magic squares is explained in detail in the book Magic Squares and Cubes.

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