Poison Ivy In Your Backyard Or Garden


  • Author Jill Cohen
  • Published December 1, 2011
  • Word count 400

Three, small green leaves that mean a world of difference in the reaction someone gets when they come in contact with them. Poison ivy is a plant that just by the touch of it may spread a rash on the infected area because of the oil it contains. It’s important to know what it looks like because it is common and could be found in your own backyard, garden or along a path you walk often.

One of allergens that someone has to think about is poison ivy due to it causing a very uncomfortable rash. It is coated with a sap that contains the oil called urushiol. The entire plant is covered in the oil and any contact made with skin is instantly infected with a rash that can cause irritation and redness. It is most common because people do not know how to identify what poison ivy looks like. Also, if your boots or backpack have oil on it and it touches your skin, you can spread it on your skin that way as well and end up with a rash problem.

The plant has three leaves that vary in size at the end of the stem. The green texture of the plant is glossy and is a lighter tinge in color. This plant may find its way up a tree or hide behind your lawn. It also can hide and camouflage itself within other plants. The key feature to tell the differences in plants are to look at the texture, because once again, poison ivy has a shiny overcoat. Be sure that if you plan to work with the poison ivy to remove it from your backyard that you prepare by looking for ways to kill or handle poison it properly.

In case of contact made with plant make sure to immediately use heavy detergent to wash out infection. Signs to look for are redness or swelling with a strong desire to scratch the itch.

Poison Ivy is easy to identify if you are sure what you are looking for. Keep in mind that although 4 leaves mean good luck, three leaves could mean that a rash and strong itchy sensations are coming your way.

When you go to a park, be sure to ask the ranger about whether or not there are plants such as poison ivy, sumac or poison oak so you can be prepared.

Learn more about Poison Sumac Rash and common Skin Rashes

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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