Growing Dwarf Banana Trees Made Easy (Part 1)


  • Author Michaelann Smith
  • Published January 10, 2012
  • Word count 418

I am writing this article so that hopefully I can help others get some clarity about dwarf banana trees. Let's face it; everyone knows that dwarf banana trees are "tropical" plants, what chance do they have to thrive in the mid-west? I am here to tell you to forget what you think you know about dwarf banana trees. The more I read and researched and did what "seemed" to be right for my dwarf banana trees the worse they got. I am no scientist consequently; everything here is going to be in layman's terms so that anyone can benefit from it.

Let's start at the beginning with the small (barely 4" tall) dwarf banana trees I received in the mail. I started my dwarf banana trees out in 6" pots and used a professional potting mix w/fertilizer (0.10-0.08-0.06) for those that keep track of that sort of thing.

Since it was May and we were still having frost warnings I kept my dwarf banana trees inside and placed them by a window that faces northeast. I know that banana trees are native to the tropics so, I gave mine as much sun as possible and liberally watered them making sure that their little catch trays stayed moist.

This was great for the dwarf banana trees at first as they adjusted to their new homes however, it did not last long. My dwarf banana trees soon started to wilt. I read everything I could find on dwarf banana trees, which wasn't much. Nothing worked, I put them in a window that got more light for more of the day and still they kept wilting. After exhausting all the "expert" advice I followed my instincts.

I discovered that dwarf banana trees like water however; they do not like to sit in water. I had to get rid of the catch trays that were keeping the water near the roots of my dwarf banana trees. That lead to a new challenge of how to make sure they got enough water without making a mess out of our living room. That led to what I call "plant shower day".

Come join us for more about "plant shower day" dwarf banana trees and other dwarf fruit trees. Don't wait for the mad rush in spring to get started growing your own beautiful and productive dwarf fruit tree right from the comfort of your own living room. Just in time for the holidays we have specials on everything from unique gifts to traditional decorations.

For more about Dwarf Banana Trees Click Here or, visit us at:

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