Get Organized in 15 Minutes!!


  • Author Mary Sigmann
  • Published April 6, 2012
  • Word count 502

Got 15 Minutes? Get Organized!

By Mary Sigmann, CPO®

Maintaining an organized and efficient home or office doesn't have to be daunting. You can do it in 5 to 15-minute chunks. Keep this list of small tasks in a notebook or post it on a wall or bulletin board. Whenever you find a few spare minutes during the day, choose one or two tasks and make good use of the time.


" Clear the clutter from your desktop.

" Return supplies and file folders to their proper homes.

" Revise and rewrite your daily to-do list.

" Start a box for things to take home.

" Go through and organize a small pile of paper.

" Pick anything up from the floor that doesn't belong there.

" Scan your email in-box for items to delete.

" Read a short newsletter or article.

" Update your voice mail message.

" Make a list of phone calls you need to place or return.

" Jot down a few ideas for your next business meeting.

" Open, read and sort the day's mail.

" Organize receipts.

" Go over and update your Outlook task list.

" Pull out one or two overstuffed file folders and check for possible discards.

" Review a project checklist.

" Water the plants.

" Organize a desk drawer.

" Stretch your muscles.

" Take a quick walk around the building.

" Make an overdue phone call.

" Transfer contact information from business cards to your computer.

" Check over your calendar or appointment schedule.

" Write a thank you note.

" Practice deep breathing.

" Create a mission statement.

" Enjoy a healthy beverage or snack.

" Take stuff to the building's recycling center.

" Organize your briefcase.

" Relax and think beautiful thoughts.


" Shake out all your throw rugs.

" Clean out a kitchen drawer.

" Wash the mirrors and glass on framed artwork.

" Organize potting supplies in the garage.

" Sweep out the garage.

" Go through your hanging clothes and pull out six things for charity.

" Put a load in the washer and start it up.

" Clear off the front of the refrigerator or the bulletin board.

" Check the pantry or refrigerator for expired foodstuff.

" Organize your purse or briefcase.

" Wash the dishes.

" Clear off the seats and floor of the car.

" Make the beds.

" Fill a bucket with water and vinegar and wipe off the window sills.

" Get out the vacuum and sweep the blinds.

" Sort through catalogs and recycle.

" Pull articles you want to keep from magazines.

" Check coupons and gift cards for expiration dates.

" Wash the fronts of all your cupboards.

" Return CDs and DVDs to their cases.

" Pull off the couch cushions and vacuum inside the couch.

" Check the medicine cabinet for expiration dates.

" Check all your battery run clocks to make sure they are still running.

" Put scattered books, magazines, catalogs into a basket or bin.

" Wash the bathroom, kitchen and entryway rugs.

" Wash off the refrigerator shelves.

" Clear out everything under the beds and vacuum.

" Sort through kid's school papers and artwork. Put keepers in a folder.

" Make a shopping or grocery list.

" Take a walk, a shower or a nap.

Mary Sigmann is a nationally known and recognized Certified Professional Organizer® who coaches busy people on ways to increase their productivity and reduce the stress caused by disorganization.

Mary Sigmann is a nationally known and recognized Certified Professional Organizer® who coaches busy people on ways to increase their productivity and reduce the stress caused by disorganization.

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