From image to employment consultants


  • Author Francesca Tessarollo
  • Published April 20, 2012
  • Word count 503

The category of consultants include many subcategories of professionals, from image to employment consultants.

It is self-evident: a consultant is a person, or a professional, who can counsel about the better decisions to take. There are many types of consultants, almost as many as the spheres and sectors in which one can ask for a consulting or advice. From image to advertising and employment consultants, the professionals of consulting work in many different sectors and with different objectives.

Looking into the world of consulting in an exhaustive way, listing all the types of consultants, would not be possible in few lines, but we can try to speak about some of the most popular and best-known professionals, explaining their functions and saying something about the training courses they are supposed to undertake.

Let’s begin with the image consultant, the person that deals with the image of public and famous people, or more in general of people that have an important role and consequently need to communicate also through their look. The image consultant is meant to counsel customers about clothes, look in general, but also about the better way to move and to present oneself to other people. Direct experience, in this sector, is essential: in order to become image consultant, you must do a lot of practice in an atelier or fashion house, for example, and practice cab be accompanied by a specific training: there are many courses, master’s degrees and schools, but experience is still essential. An image consultants can also work for companies, and in this case s/he deals with the image and visual communication of a company or shop. An image consultant for companies can coincide with an advertising agency and deals with the choice of brand, slogans, shop windows and so on.

Another very requested category of consultants is that of advertising consultants. These professionals have something in common with the company image consultants, since also the advertising consultant deals with counseling a company about the better advertising methods. However advertising consultants have specific functions: they can work independently or for a specific structure (an advertising agency, for example) and work in the field of marketing consulting, advertising communication and public relations in virtue of a specific preparation and training, which you can get at the university (degree in communication or marketing) or attending specific training courses.

Also employment consultants are very useful professionals. These professionals in the legal-economic sphere offer consulting to the companies as far as human resource management and the development of corporate business processes are concerned. In order to do this job you must serve your apprenticeship for two years, then you must take an exam. The apprenticeship can be served in the studio of a qualified professional, who might be an employment consultant, but also a lawyer or an accountant with a degree in economics.

Image, employment or advertising consultant: specific professionals that are different from each other, but who share the capacity to counsel us always in the best way!

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