Learn How To Lose Weight Today
Health & Fitness → Weight-Loss
- Author Guylaine Dion
- Published November 9, 2015
- Word count 416
With today's on-the-go lifestyle, we tend to eat quickly. Eating right gives us a healthy weight, a good mood and overall wellbeing. We surely are what we eat. While some specific foods or nutrients have been shown to have a beneficial effect on mood, it's our overall pattern that is most important because sometimes it can be non-food related. Focusing on how we feel after eating. The more healthy food we eat, the better we feel after a meal. With a healthy life style we are filled with vitality and vibrant health.
Ghrelin hormones that increases appetite are secreted every four hours. To maintain low levels of this hormone, it is necessary to follow a diet over periods of four hours. The secret is in certain foods rich in anti-inflammatory nutrients, mainly consisting of carotenoids, Omega 3s and flavonoids. Consuming 3 cups of tea daily helps to overcome leptin resistance. The tea is rich in catechins, flavonoids and polyphenols, all anti-inflammatory elements. Tea, whose effect on weight control is well-known, will help restore the role of leptin. Flaxseed is one of the richest dietary sources of omega-3 anti-inflammatory properties and a natural food source rich in polyphenolic substance which helps the liver to eliminate toxins and fats from the body.
A good night sleep helps us maintaining our leptin appetite hormones at a good level, it's a major factor of balance and healthy weight people.
It's also helpful to acknowledge and be aware of our thinking, being and living in the present moment.
It's very efficient to increase our mind and body awareness by listening to all the powerful messages that it sends us. Changing our habits one by one is better, one week at the time. An habit is a reflex and it becomes an automatic action that can be done without thinking. Once we will have taken a good habit, it will not be necessary to use our motivation, it will remain anchored to our subconscious effortlessly.
Going outside for a walk or any other activities, whether in the morning, the lunch hour or in the evening, moving is a great way to lose weight, but also improves mood by increasing the energy level.
Nourishing ourselves with an activity/passion is a good and healthy long-time occupation and it's crucial for sustaining long-term positive habits.
Watching a 5 minutes cardiac coherence on YouTube is a good relaxation method.
When we breathe this way-of-life everyday, it becomes naturally part of ourselves.
Together we can live better & healthier.
Author Bio,
Guylaine Dion is an entrepreneur who enjoys helping others with her knowledge. For more information be sure to visit her website
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