"Can You Truthfully Answer The Five Questions That Caused Your Weight Loss Failures?"

Health & FitnessWeight-Loss

  • Author Joseph Ng
  • Published April 9, 2017
  • Word count 1,630



"Everyone faces defeat. It may be a stepping-stone or a stumbling block, depending on the mental attitude with which it is faced."


Napoleon Hill

(He was an American self-help author. He is well known for his book Think and Grow Rich (1937) which has sold 20 million copies and is among the top 10 best-selling self-help books of all time.)

Allow me to kick start with this sharing! Consider this scenario of your weight loss route to weight reduction. Trust me, it’s well paved and yet many people are reluctant to undertake the journey. The mere talk of weight loss program discourages any initiative to lose weight. Agree or not?

TO BE BRUTALLY HONEST! The sad news is there is no easy route. The good news is there is a way to start this trip of true health with the more benefits of weight loss, but one must be ready to go the distance. So are you ready to read on?

YES, YOU HAVE HEARD ME RIGHT! There is always a blue print for success and one failure. The twist is people tend to take the usual and less taxing route. That leads to no change. Because they choose not the more demanding and often bumpy road to a newer and better health and fitness. It is no wonder many cannot arrive at the chosen location, or achieve the goals of a teenager’s figure. Please do take a minute to let that sink in. Such a simple statement is ever so easy to skip over. I make no apology, if there is a need to repeat them.


At this juncture, shall we take a quick pit stop here? This paragraph is indeed a comprehensive glance of this article. For starters don’t be shocked the first and foremost failure question is ‘Why does exercises fail?’ You will be amazed that failure question no. 2 is ‘Why do diets fail?’ Believe it or not the next question is ‘Why do drugs fail? Again don’t be disturbed if the next failure question is none other than, ‘Why don’t we fail to plan and unconsciously plan to fail?" Last but not the least is the question ‘Why do we not understand our food intake types and our body reactions.’ Not too difficult I guess!

First thing first. Shall we begin?


Frankly speaking did you know that 20 minutes of jogging only burns an average of 200 calories? By the same token, the first 20 minutes of brisk walking subtracts off the glucose in the blood, followed by sugar deposits in the liver and muscles (glycogen). So if the target is weight loss, aerobic exercise has to go beyond half an hour to burn the fat.

I HAVE A BUDDY WHO RELIGIOUSLY undertake the weekend walk in the park (burning 200 calories) and adjourn to their preferred hawker stalls (eating back 800 or more calories) thereafter. And claim that exercise does not work! Hence, you can see exercise must be on a daily basis since it raises the metabolic rate and plays a part in the calorie balance sheet, but ultimately it is what one eats after the thread-mill that counts.

Aside from the question ‘Why exercise fail?’ you have yet another important failure question to answer.


The unvarnished truth is that there are so many wrong concepts and bad science, especially relating to fad diets. Our body thrives on a balanced diet constituting 50% of calories from good carbohydrates, 25% from good proteins and 25% from good fats. Trust me this is not doctoral thesis!

Lost you so far? Don’t worry! Just keep reading and you will get it. Let me continue further. This ratio of macronutrients provides the human machinery with maximum biological efficiency. Many innovative diets have come and go, each trying to outdo the other by attempting to rearrange the needs of the human cells, with some pretty nasty but expected outcomes.

You know what? Various calculations led to the high carb, low fat diet; low carb, high fat diet; high protein, low carb diet, but the fat persisted! No one can sustain this diets on the long term. There was a time when the controversial high protein diet took the world by storm as glamorous movie stars endorsed the diet of meaty proteins, forsaking carbohydrates. The results were phenomenal as pounds could be shed even without exercise.

However, there is a price to pay! Our body needs energy and the primary source has to be derived from carbohydrates. By supplying only proteins, we cheat our cells and starve them of the fuel. Out of necessity, the cells seek the emergency stores of fat and subsequently proteins. Imagine, when our power supply is cut and all we have is a backup generator. Even if the inefficient power does not drive us mad, the toxic fumes would certainly kills us! Shocking? But it’s true!

To be crystal clear this kind of diet is known as a "ketotic" diet, which pushes our body to an abnormal state turning the blood acidotic, and courting kidney disease, heart disease and osteoporosis. Hello? Did you understand what I said above? I hope so!

By the way, if you read nothing else important then read this slowly and carefully!


Correct me if I am wrong? Many so called diet pills were launched with fanfare and have since disappeared. In my personal opinion, there is no miracle pills; of course there are appetite suppressants, fat blockers, fat burners, metabolic-enhancers and etc. A drug cannot single-handedly treat obesity because the root cause is personal complacency, poor discipline, errors in information and a faulty lifestyle.

SPEAKING FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART, I confess that any drug that is released on the market would have under- gone various stages of study, from laboratory animals, small pilot studies to multi centre trials. The largest and most conclusive evidence on the efficacy and side effect of a drug is derived from Post Marketing Surveillance, which means data collected and analyzed after it has been approved and sold for public use?

There are many examples of drugs touted to be safe and effective, only to be banned later as they caused worrisome side effects. Hello? Read my lips as I say it again. ‘There are many example of drugs claimed to be safe and effective only to be banned later’. Get my picture now?

With that it reminds me, it's high time to answer the next question. Yes?


Any question so far? If none, let me say that the ultimate reason for failure however, is because there was no plan to start off with in the first place. Or simply it was a bad plan. I agree with you that repetition is stale, but here is a strong reminder of, "Find a plan that works, and work the plan", otherwise it is an exercise of planning to fail.

Up next, it’s the last but by no way it’s the least. Shall we tango on?"


To explain more fully, let me share with you a deep secret. Unreasonable demand on our fine and integrated body for a rapid weight loss is like taking three apples a day. Yet it can have fantastic results. But the doctor will have to make three visits a day in the hospital to make sure there is still life in you.

IN TRUTH, UNDER STARVATION, our body learns to adjust to a lower than normal metabolic rate, but once re-feeding takes place, the body balloons to more than before as a rebound phenomena.

And that’s not all. Since carbohydrate is the main culprit (provided calories from fat are maintained below 30%) in obesity. And we need it for energy, the choice of the right fuel is important. Hence it is best to avoid empty calories (like carbonated drinks and sweets) and calorie dense foods. Get my drift? You bet!

By the way, without sounding like a broken record allow me to sum up this article. Alright?


To cut a long story or the article short, let me recap. Yes? If you still remember, the initial failure is ‘Why does exercises fail?’ You may recollect the next failure is

‘Why do diets fail?’ The third failure question is, ‘Why do drugs fail?’ Do take into account again failure question no. 4 is failure to plan and unconsciously plan to fail. Lastly the failure question is the failure to understand our food intake types and our body reactions. Easy to remember and do? A big ‘Yes’ if you ask me!

Finally to crown off this article, let me end with this succulent paragraph below. Okay?


Suffice to say, shortly after you start avoid or overcoming the failures and get going, this would mean a lot to your body. How great would it be to feel young and active again? So take up my suggestions, even you are a little hesitant. Put your mind to rest and consider the benefits that you would enjoy! Further more, don’t miss out this chance of getting a newer and better body . . . especially when is within your reach to take positive steps now and today.

End of article


If you like this article and more, then I invite you to log on to our blog at http://www.josephsfng.blogspot.com. You can even email me at josephsfng@gmail.com. We are only too happy to advise you more of weight loss, slimming, dieting and obesity. Ok? Thanks. Weight Loss Adviser Joseph Ng.

CTM Joseph SF Ng is Speaker, Trainer, Writer and Consultant. He has highly researched extensively on the subject of Weight Loss and Health. Written hundreds of articles on Weight Loss. He, himself has proven his suggestion and advices has worked well. He has reduced his weight from 180 lbs to 140 lbs in the matters of a few year. And has kept down 140 lbs till the present age of 73 years old. End

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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joseph · 7 years ago
Thank you for reading and commenting on my article. Believe me I appreciate your action. Before I dwell in your comments, please visit my blog at josephsfng.blogspot.com. The articles have your answers. Please write to me again if you are not happy. I would help you personally after that.Okay? God Bless You.

Monisha Kapoor
Monisha Kapoor · 7 years ago
I am Little bit upset form my Weight but after read this i will effort more to lose my weight.

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