4 Simple Rules to Hypnotic Weight Loss

Health & FitnessWeight-Loss

  • Author Luke Howard
  • Published September 10, 2017
  • Word count 2,613

You can use all of these four even without hypnosis, but combining the four protocols I'm gonna share with you with hypnosis makes this an unbelievable way to release weight once and for all.

Notice that I'm saying "release weight" instead of "weight loss," because as our unconscious mind processes words, words have effect on our neurology. And when you think of the word loss, it's, you know, you've lost your job, you've lost a loved one, you've lost a relationship, you've lost your cell phone. These are all very unpleasant situations. So when you think about weight loss in general, your unconscious mind, the bit that we're working with, in actual fact doesn't want to lose anything, because it figures losing things is bad. So I use the term "weight release" as much as I can remember, but even I sometimes slip up.

So here are the four protocols, the four ways to lose weight easily and effectively that don't involve going to the gym, having a crazy workout, a miracle supplement or pill, or any kind of crazy surgery, or hiring an expensive trainer, or expensive gym membership.

Number one. When you're hungry, eat. Really simple, right? But I don't mean head hungry, I don't mean, "Oh, I'm bored right now," or "I'm sad right now," or "I'm excited right now," or "I'm happy right now," and you eat. No, no, no, it's not an emotional thing. If the hunger comes from here, you got something you need to work on. I mean tummy hungry. When your tummy says I'm hungry, eat.

Now, that might sound ridiculously simple. I had a client a couple of weeks ago, and we were working on weight loss, and I told her to do this. We had one session on a Saturday, the following session on Sunday, and I'm like, "Just eat when you are tummy hungry, not from a head hunger part." So she came back the next day, and it was approximately 24 hours or so after, and I asked her, "How did it go?" and she goes, "I actually did not get hungry for the first 21 hours. I was not physically hungry." So she didn't eat. After 21 hours, her tummy told her in no uncertain terms, "Hey, I'm hungry, eat." So she ate. But only eat when you're tummy hungry, not head hungry. If there's an emotional thing that's going on, you've got some stuff that you need to work on, and hypnosis is great for that.

  • So protocol number 1 is when you're hungry, tummy hungry, eat!

  • Protocol number 2 is eat what you want to eat, not what you think you should eat. What does that mean? It means that if in front of you you have some Brussels sprouts and some broccoli, and you don't like those but you're told that they're healthy for you, and you have a piece of cheesecake, a slice of cheesecake that you really enjoy. If you really want the cheesecake but you don't want the Brussels and the broccoli, for example, eat the fricking cheesecake. If you really want the broccoli and the other things, then you can eat those, but you're just weird if you'd rather eat that than cheesecake.

But you eat what you want, not what you think you should eat. See, every diet works short term if you follow it, 'cause it's slowing down your options. It's closing down your bandwidth of what you can eat, what you can put into your body, whether that's low carbs, low fat, juicing, whatever it might be. Weight Watchers counting points, counting calories. Initially it's going to work, which means you're going to lose weight. But eventually, as science shows us, as any studies will show this. Go on Google Scholar, you'll find this out for free. The health and weight loss industry has a fail rate of a round about 98%, and I'm being conservative there. It means 98% of the time, everyone who tries to lose weight not only gains all the weight back, but on average an extra five to seven pounds on top of where they were. But now they're out of pocket, and they're doing the yo-yo diet, which is bad for your metabolism.

And when you say you can't eat something, if I say you're never allowed to eat any carbs anymore, what are you gonna do? You're only gonna focus on carbs, because you're like, "Why can't I eat them anymore?" If I say to you, "You're never allowed to eat chocolate again," and you love chocolate, what are you gonna do? You're only gonna focus on eating chocolate. If I say to you, "Don't think of a blue tree," what do you have to do to process the sentence? You have to think of a blue tree.

So here's the thing, once you take away any food from your diet, out of pure willpower you might go a couple of days, maybe even a couple of weeks, but eventually you will break and you won't just eat one donut, you'll eat 10, you'll eat 20, you'll eat 30, and you'll become addicted to them. Because you were told not to do something.

So in this, this is not a diet. You're allowed to eat whatever you want. That does not mean that you eat a whole frigging cheesecake that's for a family of five. No, no, no, that's not what it means as Tiger joins me now. And Tiger needs to lose a bit of weight as well, but I don't like to tell her because sometimes she gets upset and bites me. But it just means you eat what you want to eat, not what you think you should eat. Because when you realize that you could truly eat anything, but the right level, in moderation, and you realize no food's a sin, nothing becomes so much of a big deal then. When you start to edit the foods you can eat, "Well I'm never going to eat chocolate again even though I love it. I'm never going to eat donuts again, even though I love it." Because then what happens is eventually you'll break, as most people do most of the time, and they'll eat way too much of it. But when you realize that if you truly want to eat it, you can eat it, but you eat it in moderation, that starts to take away that barrier. You stop playing that game with yourself of what I can't eat, what I can eat. So protocol number two is eat what you want you should eat...what you want to eat, not what you think you should eat. Okay?

  • Number 3, I'm gonna unpackage number three for you. Number three is eat consciously. Most people that I know, myself formerly included, would eat completely unconsciously. What do I mean by this? Most people who come into my office think they're coming to be hypnotized, because I am the hypnotist, right? In actual fact, most of the time I'm de-hypnotizing people, because they're already in a trance. It's a pretty shitty trance, that's limiting your life and causing some kind of suffering.

So protocol number three is eat consciously. It's turning the unconscious process of eating into a conscious process. Most people that have a problem with eating, emotional eating, with weight, they focus on food all the time, except for when they're eating. Well, they might be focusing on what they're gonna eat later or what they'll do later, but they're not focusing on the food that's in their mouth at that time. So it's taking away the joy from it. So whatever you're eating, whether it be something healthy or what we're told is healthy, broccoli, vegetables, whatever. Or whether it's a piece of cheesecake, whether it's a Frappuccino, enjoy the hell out of it. Chew it 20 to 30 times, whatever the food is. Put your knife and fork down in between every bite. If it's a smoothie or it's a drink, take a sip, mouthful, put it down. Then repeat, 20 to 30 times. But chew the food 20 to 30 times so it becomes that liquid in your mouth.

Always leave a bit of food on the plate. Now, I don't know if you're like me and you were brought up by well-meaning parents, but I was brought up by well-meaning parents that tried to put me in the Clean Plate Club. What's the Clean Plate Club? It goes a bit like this. It's a seed or a suggestion that's planted from a very early age, where it's like, "Oh, you got to eat all your food on your plate so you can grow up and be big and strong." Or "You got to eat food on your plate so the kids in Africa are not gonna die 'cause they're starving." I had all this growing up, and most of my clients have had it, and by well-meaning parents or guardians most of the time. And really what that is, is a suggestion that they're putting in our head, or a seed at a very young age, where it's not okay to leave food on our plate. Because I won't grow up and be big and strong, or someone's gonna die in another country that you've never met before. There's no evidence to prove this, but we're told from a kid and we forget about that suggestion and we operate it, hence why a lot of people have this necessity to eat all the food on their plate, even though they started to feel satisfied about half way into the plate.

So all still part of number three, protocol number three, eating consciously. Leave some food on the plate. What does that mean? Does that mean you have to waste it and throw it away? No, you can eat it later when you're hungry. You can give it to your animal, to your dog, probably not the cat if she's a bit fat. Oh no, she's okay. She'll bite me later to tell me off, you see? Or you give it to a loved one or something, but just leave a bit of food on the plate, because what you're doing is you're training your unconscious mind, the bit we're working with, the bit that controls all this emotional eating anyways. It's okay for me to leave some food on the plate and nothing bad happens. My mum and dad don't call me up as an add-on and be like, "Oh I just saw on your video that you left food on your plate. I'm gonna come by and ground you for a week." No. No one cares, you're the only one that's keeping score. So leave some food on the plate.

If it's appropriate, close your eyes when you eat. What does that do? Science has shown us in studies that people who close their eyes when it's appropriate, when it's safe, when you eat tend to eat about 50% less simply by closing their eyes, because most people when it comes to overeating have a very visual strategy. So what you do is you take out the visual cortex once you know what your food is, and you just become gustatory, and it's focused on that sense of taste or olfactory smell. It knocks out the main sense, and people tend to find they eat far less when they close their eyes.

Here's the most important one, in number three, and that is when you eat, eat consciously. Close your book. Turn off the internet. Put down your cell phone. Close the tablet. Turn off the TV. Turn off the loud crazy music that you crazy kids listen to, and just be present, just be mindful, just be in the now when you're eating. It has a very powerful effect. If you're gonna eat, whatever you're gonna eat, at least be mindful, be present, meditate on that food and enjoy the hell out of it with no distractions.

Here's an interesting thing. 40, 50 years ago, the average meal would take a minimum 20 minutes to eat, sometimes 30, 40 minutes to eat a meal that was probably a lot less than we're eating now. Now we scarf down all this food rather rapidly, because we're multitasking. We're updating our Facebook, we're replying to that text, we're going on the OK Cupid and seeing if we've got any love matches. We're doing all those things all the time, and that food that probably would have taken us 20 to 40 minutes 50 years ago, to eat less of this food, now we eat in five minutes because we're always in a rush, being pulled, distracted in multiple directions. So stop it. Stop the sound. Stop the nonsense. When you eat, that's all you do. And enjoy the hell out of it. It's all right to eat, so you better well frigging enjoy it when you do it. So switch off all the distractions.

  • Protocol number 4, is when you feel satisfied, stop. That's it. If that's all you did consistently through your life, you'd lose all the weight you needed and pretty much most of your issues around food would be fixed on some level. Now, if there's a bunch of emotion bubbling underneath it, you might need to come to a hypnotist to have him to help you work with it. But if you just implemented those four things you wouldn't need a trainer, you wouldn't need that miracle pill, you wouldn't need that super expensive gym membership. That would self-correct most of the problems, unless you have a lot of underlying issues there.

So, you're probably going to need to watch this video again. I do speak a bit fast. I'm very passionate when I make these videos. Maybe you need to take a pen and paper. Here's a quick recap. Four protocols to lose weight, to release weight rapidly. Number one, when you're hungry, tummy hungry not head hungry, eat. Number two, eat what you want, not what you think you should eat. Again, if you've been told, "No I can't eat cheesecake, too much carbs, too much fat," but there's broccoli there and you don't like it, but you want the cheesecake, eat the cheesecake. Just don't eat the whole damn cheesecake. All right? Moderation. That's number two.

Number three, eat consciously. What does that mean? Chew your food 20 or 30 times. If it's a Slurpee...well, no, you shouldn't be drinking Slurpees. If it's a smoothie, take a sip, put it down. You know what I mean, 20 to 30 times. Put your knife and fork down between every bite. If it's appropriate, close your eyes when you eat. Always leave a bit of food on your plate that you can eat later, or you can give away. It doesn't necessarily have to be waste. And also, just be conscious when you eat. Turn off the cell phone. Turn off the Facebook. Close the laptop, the tablet. Turn off the TV. Close the newspaper. Close the book. Turn down the radio unless it's very peaceful, relaxing music. And number four, when you feel satisfied, stop.

Read this article again again, pick up the points. Run with it. If this is all that you do, this will help you self-correct most of your problems without even needing to come and see me or a hypnotist. When I work with people around weight I go into these in more in detail with them and I help to really pull out those weeds and negative emotions that have been there which have caused people to overeat and have unresolved things. But that's another video for another day.

Always Believe,

Luke Michael Howard PhD,

Clinical Hypnotist

Weight Loss Hypnosis Toronto


Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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