How To Choose The Right Jeweller For You

Social IssuesLifestyle

  • Author Sofia Corsetti
  • Published April 12, 2020
  • Word count 512

Once you have finalized everything to buy a jewellery – from budget, size, shape etc. the next step involves choosing the right jeweller. Buying a jewellery isn’t same as buying a new outfit since jewellery is expensive and you want to make all the right steps to pay the worth amount for the jewellery.

Before choosing a jewellery, you need to find out what services they will provide for the rest of the life of the jewellery. General questions that can come to your mind is - Will I get routine cleanings and general maintenance included or what are the charges involved. What if I would require any type of repair services in a year of two - is there any warranty involved? What if years later you plan to reset diamonds into different jewellery or any other shapes?

Most of the jewellers will cater to the needs as per your expectation and some may even send your jewellery to different locations for any repairing works or others. Advised is to talk to the jeweller for the services provided for the lifetime of the jewellery and whether any work will be performed within the premises itself or sent out. Being an expensive one you would like to perform any labour work Infront f you only like - resize, small fixes or convert to another jewellery item.

Generally, services offered by jewellers includes -

• Yearly polishing and plating

• Yearly inspection

• One free resize (or can be paid one) within a specific tenure

• Discounted repairs for the purchased jewellery item

Further, these services vary from jeweller to jeweller so you'll need to confirm beforehand. The jeweller should be open to honest discussion with you on your purchase and must provide all the related documents for your purchase.

You do not need to have all the answers or the questions to ask for with the jeweller since a quality jeweller will be able to solve all your queries and more. Here we have defined quick tips to have in your mind before you finalize upon a jeweller-

• Word-of-mouth is always a king. An industry mainly driven by relationship such as jewellery, a recommendation from a trusted friend or family member is what you always seek for at first step.

• Ask your grandma, your neighbour, your co-worker or close trustful friends for recommendations.

• During the digital era - use social media to gather insights from your network or gather info from the jeweller's page and reviews

• Check out the shortlisted jewellery prices online from different website which will help you to even negotiate on the prices

• Do ask them if they have in-house gemmologist.

• Don't hesitate to ask for any post purchase services they will offer

• Don't forget to get a copy of their warranty and return policies and bill copy

Credibility -

Finally, it’s always a good idea to investigate their credibility with local organisations. Like armas is one of the known luxurious jewellery brand. Confirm to see the certifications from various gemmological organizations, and better would be if they provide any client references.

Once you have finalized everything to buy a jewellery – from budget, size, shape etc. the next step involves choosing the right jeweller. Buying a jewellery isn’t same as buying a new outfit since jewellery is expensive and you want to make all the right steps to pay the worth amount for the jewellery.

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