How to make the best pour over coffee

Foods & DrinksFood

  • Author Dave Hoch
  • Published July 19, 2020
  • Word count 402

A pour over is a basic method of coffee making. When comparing drip coffee vs pour over, the only real difference is that a pour over is done manually. However, it requires great attention. These coffee makers will create a fresh cup of coffee with rich flavorful notes. Pay attention to how it is done because it involves freshly boiled water, proper measurement, and some simple tools.

How it Works

Pre-brewing procedure:

Before you proceed with the actual process of making Pour over coffee through this method. It is best to prepare all the materials needed. Such equipment that you will need are the following:

A manual brew dripper

Filter (typically made with cloth or paper)

Gooseneck kettle

Carafe (either made from glass or stainless steel)

Coffee scale

Coffee grinder

Your favorite coffee beans!

Measuring cup and spoon

Water (don’t use distilled water or reverse-osmosis to brew tasty coffee)

Brewing procedure:

Here is the least complicated step-by-step process for making a Pour over coffee.

*Boil water in a separate vessel. The temperature should be between 195 degrees Fahrenheit and 205 degrees Fahrenheit.

*Position your pour-over cone over your mug at the side.

*Measure the coffee beans with a measuring cup.

*Put the beans in a burr grinder and grind. For every 4 ounces of water, use 7 grams of coffee (1 tablespoon).

*If you are using a paper filter, fold its edges before you place it to your brewer.

*After setting up your Pour-over kit, brine the filter in the dripper, as well as the mug with half of the boiled water. It will thoroughly saturate the filter and warm your dripper and your cup or carafe.

*After a minute or so, empty your carafe with the hot water and reposition the Pour-over machine.

*Put your freshly ground coffee to the soaked filter and give a gentle shake to flatten the bed

*Gently pour water from the center of the bed to the sides, just enough to wet the coffee grounds. Allow resting between 30 to 45 seconds.

*Afterward, pour the hot water slowly and gently to the center of the bed into the grounds. Avoid pouring down the sides. Pour at such a rate that the full brewing process will take two and a half to 3 minutes.

*Let your Pour over coffee cool down for about 2 to 3 minutes before you drink it. That’s because drinking coffee above 149 degrees Fahrenheit can increase your risk of esophageal cancer.

Gregariously grounded, whimsically witty, and remarkably resolved. Big lover of adventure and all things related to traveling by bike.

Co-founder of Big Cup of Coffee ( a site for all things related to coffee and Colibrily ( a holistic digital marketing company.

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