Boost productivity with a single database development environment

Computers & TechnologyTechnology

  • Author Arnold Shaw
  • Published September 13, 2020
  • Word count 517

Developing and managing databases across a wide variety of engines is often fraught with complexity. In a typical situation, it is necessary to have a large number of different tools to help overcome interoperability issues between multiple database engines. In fact, most people involved in IT use far more tools than they really need to. So-called software bloat is a big issue among today's IT teams, and it consistently hinders productivity and results in a greater risk of costly issues occurring. Database developers often encounter tedious issues, such as constantly switching windows and apps as they try to navigate around lots of different user interfaces. This is the primary reason for having a consolidated approach.

Database Workbench Pro offers a straightforward solution in the form of a unified platform. It has been designed to empower database technicians and developers with a single, cohesive set of tools in a single environment. A truly unified solution, it increases productivity, reduces risk, and cuts down on many hours of routine work. It makes it possible to work using one conceptual data model, even when you are working with different physical models. This means you can reverse engineer existing databases, create sub diagrams, and print graphical overviews to bring clarity to increasingly complex database environments. In fact, the user-friendly visual interface makes it possible to design any database and its relationships with ease.

Users can apply their business rules as conceptual data models and align them with physical data modelling. It is possible to document databases, use exported diagrams in existing documentations and, in doing so, simplify the roles and responsibilities for assisting database managers. Creating or modifying databases is also straightforward thanks to the provision of easy graphical editors. Users do not need to remember specific SQL syntax, as it is instead possible to duplicate objects from the unified data model and copy over DLL statements. Finally, users can search instantaneously through very large data sets. This makes Database Workbench Pro a scalable and flexible solution that adapts seamlessly to almost any requirements.

Database Workbench Pro includes a customizable user interface with access to a raft of useful productivity-enhancing tools. These simplify and speed up many routine processes, but the simplicity does not stop at productivity alone. It also significantly reduces the chances of human error when dealing with large and otherwise highly complex databases. There are many templates included for names, objects, and codes. Users can instantly view insights, write SQL statements, and link tables with foreign key information. There is also a highly powerful copy and paste tool to save even more time. It is also possible to compare and migrate databases between different systems and database structures.

Database Workbench Pro supports all the industry standard database engines. This includes Firebird, InterBase, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, NexusDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQL Anywhere. The newly launched version 5.7.4 has many small tweaks and bugfixes, including support for PostgreSQL 12. Users can choose between the Basic and Pro editions to find something that suits their needs and offers the most cost-effective solution. Get started today at .

Arnold Shaw is a database developer who has experience using all the major database engines. He regularly works with a unified development environment to simplify the process.

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