5 benefits of playground activities for school children in UK

Reference & EducationCollege & University

  • Author Inspired Schools
  • Published July 19, 2021
  • Word count 707

Today, childhood is synonymous with the use of gadgets. There isn’t a single child who hasn’t played with iPads, smartphones, or on a computer. A majority of children spend their time on gadgets rather than playing physically. The games and interactive learning experience may be fun, but it does more harm than good.

Pandemic has also led children to spend time indoors, which has limited their physical playtime. According to some studies, excess use of gadgets can have a negative impact on the health and development of the child. It can cause mood swings and aggressive behavior.

So, what is the solution to this problem? The best thing you can do is to take your child to play outdoors. Most pre-schools and schools organize special play activities to encourage children. Playground ideas for primary schools and homes have so many benefits.

5 Benefits of Playground Activities for School Children in UK:-

  1. Increases creativity

A creative child can tame boundless thoughts. Creativity will help your child inspire to do things he/she likes. Creativity exuberate delight and contentment. And, outdoor playing is great for increasing your little one's creativity. When they are away from the restricted indoor environment, it stimulates their imagination, and they get motivated to do different things.

Most children get inspired by things around them especially, nature, and they quickly tap on the objects around them and use them to do things creatively. Just one hour of outdoor activities can help your child nurture the best.

  1. Enhances learning

When children play outside, they can enhance their learning capabilities. Most schools are experimenting by putting different educational pieces of equipment in playgrounds or outer fields. Field learning is a fun way to help children learn new things.

If a particular child is a slow learner and cannot grasp things quickly, field learning will help the child grasp the subject quickly. Learning becomes easy when a child sees things visually. Outdoor learning encourages a child to think of learning as an ongoing process. A child will understand that learning is not restricted to only classroom activities.

  1. Increases social skills

Social skills play an important part in a child's upbringing today. It helps the child cultivate new habits and make new friends. Outdoor play spaces are less crowded than indoor restricted spaces. It can help the child to naturally come out of his/her shell and be more social. It helps the child in the process of self-discovery.

Children are more willing to join different outdoor fun activities and games when they react to things and situations. They are more likely to make new friends and interact with other children around them, which makes a big difference in their personalities. It encourages them to take up new hobbies.

  1. Improves health

Playing with gadgets for a long time can affect the health of children and cause obesity. There are many health benefits of playing outdoors. Children are mostly physically active when they play outdoor, which helps them maintain their fitness levels and build stronger muscles.

When they play for a longer duration, it helps them to burn extra calories, which is not possible while playing indoors. As a result, most children can maintain weight, which prevents obesity. Playing in the sunshine will provide natural vitamin D, which most children lack today. Outdoor playing improves the natural immunity of children.

  1. Improves well being and helps them explore

Children feel much happier and calmer if they play outdoors. When they play outside, they naturally feel light, which creates a positive mindset. They don't get irritated and happily explore nature. Outdoor play encourages children to use their build-up energy if they tend to fidget while sitting for a longer duration indoors.

With a positive frame of mind, they can focus more on indoor activities. Various slides and play equipment help the child to explore new possibilities. It helps them challenge their play trails, which helps them to push their boundaries.

In Short,

Outdoor playground activities help children experience complete independence without the supervision of adults. They can not only interact with other children but also cultivate new habits. They can be self-reliant, which is an important part of their growth. For more information visit inspiredschools.co.uk for more information.

inspiredschools.co.uk - https://inspiredschools.co.uk/

Playground ideas for primary schools - https://inspiredschools.co.uk/inspiredplaygrounds/

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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