Brain Injury Impacts and Brain Health Tips After Concussions or MTBI and Traumatic Brain Injuries

Health & FitnessMedicine

  • Author Leon Edward
  • Published November 1, 2021
  • Word count 1,096

When a concussion or traumatic brain injury takes place, the impacts and symptoms of these injuries aren't constantly right away obvious. With a basic concussion, symptoms tend to last for 7-10 days for professional athletes and for upwards of a couple of months for non-athletes prior to dissipating totally, after which these people feel completely great and healthy. Regrettably, almost 30 percent of all people who struggle with a concussion will go through long-term negative effects, much of which impact the brain. Whether you go through a small traumatic brain injury or a concussion, it is very important to comprehend how these injuries can impact the health of your brain on a long-term basis.

How Concussions and Extreme Head Injury Impact the Brain

A concussion is a small kind of traumatic brain injury that can negatively impact the general health of the brain. While the results of a concussion are normally momentary in nature, it's possible for them to continue and trigger degeneration in brain health as an individual age. Although concussions and traumatic brain injuries can happen for a large range of factors, they are generally caused by a blow to the head.

When this injury happens, the body's immune system will respond instantly, which will lead to swelling surrounding the impacted locations. The parts of the brain that have actually been impacted by the concussion will struggle with a brief breakdown of a few of the structures within the cells. While these structures are closed down, the cells will not get the oxygen they need for regular functions, which is why impacted people will experience a range of symptoms.

When these cells are harmed, trying to do something that's managed by these cells will likely lead to failure. For example, the impacted person might be not able to stabilize effectively. While different neural paths in the brain will be utilized to assist the private total these jobs, they will be less effective. Gradually, the injury will likely recover, which suggests that the cells and neural paths can resume their basic functions. Sadly, this isn't constantly the case. There are times when a few of the cells and structures surrounding them do not recover effectively, which can lead to consistent symptoms.

Upon experiencing concussions or traumatic brain injuries several times, an individual's possibilities of establishing long-term symptoms will usually increase. While the long-term results and symptoms of brain injuries can be annoying to handle, there are actions that the impacted person can require to minimize the symptoms and lead a typical life.

Main Symptoms of Brain Injuries

When experiencing a concussion or small traumatic brain injury, there are some standard symptoms that an individual ought to anticipate going through while recovering from the injury. Remember that more serious traumatic brain injuries might lead to more harmful symptoms that need instant medical attention. The most typical symptoms referring to brain injuries can be separated into 4 classifications of cognitive-related symptoms, mood-related symptoms, blood-pressure symptoms, and sensory-related symptoms.

Cognitive-Related Symptoms

The basic cognitive-related symptoms that an individual might experience following a concussion consist of:

Issues with memory

Brain fog

Problems with concentrating

Troubles with reading

Issues with discovering products

Being quickly sidetracked

Mood-Related Symptoms

When it comes to mood-related symptoms, a few of the more significant results following a concussion consist of:




Regularly low energy

Blood-Pressure Symptoms

Concussions and small traumatic brain injuries can trigger a vast array of issues with high blood pressure, which encompass:





Increased level of sensitivity to sound and light

Pressure in your head

Neck discomfort

Problems with sleeping

Exhausted eyes

Sensory-Related Symptoms

Concussions can likewise negatively impact an individual's senses and trigger such symptoms as:

Ringing ears, which is likewise described as tinnitus

Blurred vision

Modifications in odor or taste

Car sickness

Long-Term Health Impacts to Watch Out For

There are likewise some long-term health impacts that a person can experience if their concussion is serious or if they have actually gone through several brain injuries in the past. When a person is still experiencing symptoms after more than 6 weeks have actually passed given that the injury, it's most likely that they are impacted by a post-concussive syndrome. This syndrome happens in around 20 percent of individuals who experience a concussion. The many long-term health impacts that can happen following a concussion reach:

Problems with concentration

Memory issues

Conditions with taste and odor

Depression, irritability, and long-lasting behavioral modifications

Numerous mental issues that continue

While much of these exact same symptoms take place on a short-term basis with concussions, it's possible that they will continue, which can be challenging to handle. The long-term results like depression and memory issues can likewise increase the threat of suicide. It is necessary to comprehend that the results of several concussions or small traumatic brain injuries aren't constantly even worse than the results of a single concussion. Everybody will experience a concussion in a different way.

How to Keep the Brain Healthy

Rehab following a head injury or brain injury is needed to lower the symptoms. Bear in mind that these symptoms can be decreased even if they are long-term ones. Going to a medical professional a couple of days following a concussion needs to increase the possibility that the symptoms just last for a couple of days. While an absence of focus, weakening memory, and brain fog are numerous of the more discouraging results of a concussion on the brain, there are numerous strategies that can be utilized to enhance the health of the brain. To efficiently minimize the symptoms of a post-concussive syndrome, it is essential to:

Get enough sleep every night

Prevent taking illegal drugs or alcohol

Think about acquiring therapy or treatment to handle the tension

Attempt doing some muscle relaxation and breathing workouts

Consume a healthy diet plan specifically brain-healthy foods abundant in Omega-fatty acids and anti-oxidants (Blueberries, Strawberries, Blackberries, Avocados, Broccoli, Whole Grains, Oily fish as salmon, mackerel, tuna, or sardines. Others as nuts and seeds, even dark chocolate benefit your brain. Attempt including Flax Seed, MCT oil to an early morning shake for additional brain octane.

Despite the fact that the long-term results of a concussion can intensify gradually, the ideas discussed formerly can alleviate these concerns, which need to aid with keeping total brain health. The crucial thing is to follow through with comprehensive house care and rehab following a concussion. Given that long-term impacts of a brain injury are unusual, the preliminary care that an individual gets after the concussion can play a substantial function in figuring out how extreme the impacts are.

After a serious TBI and amazing comeback, Leon Edward is committed to helping others understand any sudden disruption in people's lives from TBI or concussions, emphasizing safety and proper care in the home, and enjoying their lives after a serious injury or medical issues.

Learn more and read details on his collaborative work with Dr. Anum at

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Smart Clinic · 2 years ago
Mental health affects how individuals think, feel, behave, cope with stress, overcome challenges, build relationships, and recover from life’s setbacks and hardships.

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