
Social IssuesLifestyle

  • Author Given Sichone
  • Published January 8, 2023
  • Word count 3,873


To begin with, what is friendship?

Friendship is a divine relationship. It's a connection that can make or break us in each phase of Life. We don't have similarities in blood, but still, that person cares for us. Irrespective of all differences, a friend chooses you, understands you, and supports you.

Whenever you are in self-doubt or lacking confidence, talk to a friend, and all your worry will surely go away. Friends keep a lot of importance in our lives, and everybody enjoys the company of a true friend. True friendship is tough to find. In fact, it can be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

However, through every hardship and failure, a faithful friend will care for you every time, and gaining a true friend is a real gift indeed.

What does friendship really mean?

Well, friendship means a bond between people that connects them and lets them share each other's feelings and thoughts. Someone is your friend, if you feel like you can tell them anything, and you love to spend time with them.

In simpler words, friendship is the rainbow between two hearts Sharing seven colours, these are feelings, love, sadness, happiness, truth, secrets, and respect.

Further, friends are the brothers and sisters we never had, and are by our side through life's ups and downs.

Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and wait to hear the answer. Biblically friends are perceived to as people are friendly with us, the bible further says that one should not make friends with a hot-tempered man, and should not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn their ways and get yourself ensnared.

There are many things we can learn about friends from friendships found in the Bible. Also, there are incredible benefits to having friends in our lives for emotional and spiritual support.i.e. of sayings about friends from the Bible,”A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” Philippines 1:3-5, "for where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Proverbs 27:17.

Who is a friend?

A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the Way you are.

Types of Friends

There are different types of friends we may have in our lives, each of which plays a distinctive role and may benefit our lives in different ways.

The following are some types of friends

Best friends

A best friend is someone whose friendship we consider the strongest, or most important to us among all other types of friends. The nature of the friendship might vary from one person to another.i.e. for some, a Best friend might be someone you speak to the most out of anyone else, while for some people, a best friend is less about how much time you spend together and More about the way you're able to trust, rely on, and support each other when it matters.

Either way, the point is that this friend stands out as someone you consider particularly close to and indispensable to you.

Social friends

Well, a social friend can be explained as someone who you spend time with regularly because they're fun to be around. They're someone you go to when you are in the mood to socialize, have a good time, and exercise that extroverted part of your personality. They may not necessarily be someone who you would confide in or look for emotional support, but you genuinely enjoy their company and friendship. This is the person who is always down to hang and go to event's with you, or even do things with you. He/she might be the One who is always invited to parties and gatherings and your Go -to for, “going out.” and good times.

Low-dose friends

These are friends who we like at, “low-dose”. We might like them if we only spend once a week with them, whereas for other friends, we want to spend every day with them.

The wise owl who always has the right thing to say

If you intend to be counselled while feeling supported and be cared for at the same time, you can always count on this friend. They never fail to offer you the best advice in any situation.

The friend from a different culture

If everyone had a friend from a different culture, the world would be a better place. Be ready to explore custom's, values, and traditions outside your culture, and of course, have a lot of fun.

The friend whose laughter is funnier than the joke

They laugh hard and aren't concerned about what the world thinks. Their care free altitude is what makes them adorable.

The always -excited friend

You will realize that, this friend of yours never really grows up. He/she often behaves like a child in public and sometimes even annoys you. But, you have to admit it, no one entertains you better than them.

The Gossip monger

This one is sure to entertain you with the best stories, latest news (both real and made up) about every single person you know and do not know.

The one who doesn't give a damn

This is the coolest friend you'll have. They'll do what they want and when they want. They'll get into trouble and take you along with them. So, even if you have to rein them once in a while, their care free altitude is something that keeps you upbeat.

The social butterfly

You most popular friend who is part of several groups and constantly flits from one to another. They know the best places for leisure and are great to chill with.

The know your kind!

These are friends who just mind their business, they don't really have time to impress people with their life. They are just in their space, their world, and they would like to keep it that way.

First friends

These are friends who you've known for a long time. They came into your life at a point when you were still learning how to make friends, and they've probably seen you through a lot of ups and downs.

Fake friends

These are literally self-explanatory. These are people in your life who you refer to as friends in conversations, but they are really more of acquaintances. You don't really know them and you don't trust them, in fact you most likely never will.

Fierce friends

These are friends whom you know will always have your back. They've a strong moral compass and definitely aren't afraid to use it to help keep you on the right track.

For now, friend

These are friends who you already know that they are not going to stick around you for long. Circumstances might have brought you together, but you're very aware that it won't be forever.

Fickle friends,

These are friends who run very hot and cold. One day, it feels like you're best friends and the next thing you know they've distanced themselves. One minute they love you and the next they are mad at you.

Lastly, but not the least, Toxic friend's

Toxic friendship often feels exhausting, frustrating, and disappointing. It may seem as if the entire dynamic is one-sided and whatever you give is just not good enough. Toxic friends may be pessimistic, hurtful, or manipulative within the relationship. At the same time, they may not be aware of their behaviour.

Well, regardless of the types of Friends that one has, making friends can rather be tricky. Especialy when you're new in a school, compound, or even a community. It might just feel like you are from a different world, and you just don't fit in. Their ways of doing things just doesn't match with yours. You end up feeling like you're lost.

Many are the times, we end up doing things we don't like just so that we fit in. When you are new, or it's simply your first time being there, regardless of what, all you want is to fit in. As the results you start using drugs, drinking alcohol or even doing prostitution, while you're thinking you are fitting in.

Many are the times when, a person changes their altitude, personality and literally every single thing about their nature. However, doing what everyone else is doing, wearing what they wear, perhaps even eating?

Friendship is a devine relationship. It's a connection that can make or break us in each phase of Life. we don't have similarities in blood, but still that person cares for us . Irrespective of all differences, a friend chooses you, understands you , and supports you.

Whenever you are in self doubt or lacking confidence, talk to a friend, and all you worry will surely go away. Friends keep alot of importance in our lives, and everybody enjoys the company of a true friend. True friendship is tough to find. In fact it can be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

However, through every hardship and failure, faithful friend will care for you every time, and gaining a true friend is a real gift indeed.

What does friendship really mean?

Well, friendship means a bond between people that connects them and let's them share each other's feelings and thoughts.someone is your friend, if you feel like you can tell them anything , and you love to spend time with them.

In simpler words, friendship is the rainbow between two heart's Sharing seven colours, these are feelings,love, sadness, happiness,truth, secrets, and respect.

Further, friends are the brothers and sisters we never had, and are by our side through life's ups and downs.

Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and wait to hear the answer . Biblically friend's are perceived to as people are friendly with us , the bible further says that one should not make friends with a hot tempered man , and should not associate with one easily angered or you may learn their ways and get yourself ensnared.

There are many things we can learn about friends from friendships found in the Bible. Also , there are incredible benefits to having friends in our lives for emotional and spiritual support.i.e. of sayings about friends from the Bible,"A friend loves at all times , and a brother is born for adversity."Philippines 1:3-5, " for where two or three are gathered in my name,there am I among them." Proverbs 27:17.

Who is a friend?

A friend is someone who understands you're past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the Way you are.

Types of Friends

There different types of friends we may have in our lives, each of which plays a distinctive role and may benefit our lives in different ways.

The following are some of the types of friends

Best friends

A best friend is someone whose friendship we consider the strongest, or most important to us among all other types of friends. The nature of the friendship might vary from one person to another.i.e. for some, a Best friend might be someone you talk with the most out of anyone else, while for some people, a best friend is less about how much time you spend together and More about the way you're able to trust, rely on, and support each other when it matters.

Either way , the point is that this friend stands out as someone you consider particularly close to and important to you.

Social friends

Well, a social friend can be explained as someone who you spend time with regularly because they're fun to be around. There someone you go to when you are in the mood to socialize, have a good time, and exercise that extroverted part of your personality. They may not necessarily be someone who you would confide in or look for emotional support, but you genuinely enjoy their company and friendship. This is the person who is always down to hang and go to event's with you, or even do things with you.He/she might be the One who is always invited to parties and gatherings and your Go -to for, "going out." and good times.

Low-dose friends

These are friends who we like at, "low- dose". We might like them if we only spend once a week with them, where as for other friends, we want to spend every day with them .

The wise owl who always has the right thing to say

If you want to be counselled while feeling supported and be cared for at the same time,you can always count on this friend. They never fail to offer you the best advice in any situation.

The friend from a different culture

If everyone had a friend from a different culture, the world would be a better place. Be ready to explore custom's, values , and traditions outside of your own culture, and of course, have alot of fun.

The friend who's laughter is funnier than the joke

They laugh hard and don't care about what the world thinks . Their care free altitude is what makes them adorable.

The always -excited friend

You will realize that, this friend of yours never really grows up. He/she often behaves like a child in public and sometimes even annoys you. But , you have to admit it,no one entertains you better than them.

The Gossipmonger

This one is sure to entertain you with the best stories,latest news ( both real and made up) about every single person you know and do not know.

The one who doesn't give a damn

This is the coolest friend you'll have. They'll do what they want and when they want. They'll get into trouble and take you along with them. So even if you have to rein them once in a while, their care free altitude is something that keeps you in high spirits.

The social butterfly

You most popular friend who is part of several groups and constantly flits from one to another. They know the best places for leisure and are great to chill with.

The know your own kind

These are friends who just mind their business, they don't really have time to impress people with their life . They are just in their own space, their own world and they would like to keep it that way.

First friends

These are friends who you've known for a long time. They came into you're life at a point when you were still learning how to make friends, and they've probably seen you through alot of ups and downs.

Fake friends

These are literally self explanatory . These are people in your life who you refer to as friends in conversations but they are really more of acquaintances. You don't really know them and you don't trust them infact you probably never will.

Fierce friends

These are friends whom you know will always have you're back. They've a strong moral compass and definitely aren't afraid to use it to help keep you on the right track .

For now friend

These are friends who you already know that they are not going to stick around you for long . Circumstances might have brought you together, but you're very aware that it won't be forever.

Fickle friends

These are friends that run very hot and cold . One day it feels like you're best friends and the next thing you know they've distanced themselves. One minute they love you and the next they are mad at you .

Lastly but not the least, Toxic friends

Toxic friendship often feels exhausting, frustrating, and disappointing. It may seem as if the entire dynamic is one sided and whatever you give is just not good enough. Toxic friends may be pessmistic, hurtful,or manipulative within the relationship. At the same time they may not be aware of their behavior.

Well, regardless of the types of Friends that one has, making friends can rather be tricky.Especialy when you're new in a school, compound, or even a community . It might just feel like you are from a different world, and you just don't fit in. There ways of doing things just doesn't match with yours. You end up feeling like you're lost.

Many are the times, we end up doing things we don't like just so that we fit in . when you are new or it's simply you're first time being there, regardless of what, all you want is to fit in. As the end results you start using drugs , drinking alcohol of even doing prostitution , while you're under the impression that you are fitting in.

Many are the times when , a person changes their altitude , personality and literally every single thing about their nature. However, doing what everyone else is doing, wearing what they wear, perhaps even eating what they eat,this doesn't make you like them . But rather makes you a mere reflection of them. You end up just being a copy of the original, which regardless of how many times it's edited so that it resembles the original ,well it can never be the original one.

You're real nature values, perspective, and the like are made to be buried under a layer of misconceptions, while you apparently fit in with everyone.

However, it isn't necessary for you to fit in , in fact you don't have to,you know what no matter how different you're or how different the environment might be, there's always someone or just certain people whom you literally just fit in with. There certain times you make friends with people you could never imagined to be friends with .i.e., a free spirited person would find a friend who is rather low based they might be the opposite of each other but their blood and soul just vibes together, other times an out spoken person might find a friend who bearly talks alot, either way their friendship grows in harmony.

Friendship is a blessing we should never take for granted.some friends are meant to stay, where as others are meant to go ,want it or not that's how it is.

No matter,the kind of friendships you're into . The following are some of the types of friends we need to have in our lives inorder to live a happy and fulfilled life.

Supportive friends

If you ever want to scale higher in life , surround yourself with supportive friends. These kind of Friends are loyal to you. They dedicate their time, money, and everything to support your dreams. When you come into contact with such friends, don't let them go. They're you're best friends and have all the qualities that describe true friends.

The Great advisor

They're you're counselor. They advise you on the type of things or career to choose in order to excel.when ever you've problems in you're life , they're the first people you run to . such friends are worth you're time and allegiance, keep them close to you and nature the friendship.

The honest friend

As you know very well,that we're living in a world where the truth is hardly spoken. We all need the brutally honest friend because they're the only ones that can tell us our true state. They don't try to cover up essential things just to please us. Rather, they will bluntly tell us the truth, no matter how painful it may be to you . The honest friend will help you decide on what's right and wrong.

The protective Buddy

These are friends that stand and speak on You're behalf, both in your presence and absence. Not only that, but they always defend you when people say silly things about you especially in you're back.

The visionary friend

Everyone needs to associate with visionary people. The visionary buddy helps you to come up with new ideas and plans for you're career and relationships. They make you see life from a different perspective. And also, encourage you to persue your dreams.

The funny friend

Funny friends are pain relievers . They help you recover quickly from a sad or depressed state. Their duty is just to keep you happy.

The completive friend

These kind of Friends motivates you. They you to become a better version of your self. Not only that, but they also chase you out of your comfort zone, just to help you actualize your goals. They don't need words to inspire you.But their had working nature encourages you to rise and improve your self. If you ever come across this group of friends, don't let them go. They're the right kind of Friends for you to associate with.

The spiritually minded friends

As you might know very well, that life is controlled by the spiritual. Friends with spiritual awareness or mindset, back you up in prayers, and also motivate you to be spiritually vibrant . They're the type of friends that persuade you to join their church or school fellowship or that you should follow them to either the temple or mosque .

The old friends

These can be your old school pals, you're childhood friends, or even you're ex . These kind of Friends offer you their maximum support. They're the friend in need is a friend indeed kind of Friends.

The company we keep can make or break us. Beware of toxic friends as well as the following types of Friends who can do more harm than good in our lives.

The poverty minded friends

These kind of Friends believe that making money or working is reserved for special kind of people. They should be among the people you avoid if you want to be successful in life.


These type of friends are just friends with you because they want to use you for their own gain.

Flirty one's

These are friends that like to flirt with you're friends of the opposite sex. They can destroy your long time relationship with you're friends, family and partner.

The one who is a bad influence

These kind of Friends do not only posses toxic tenderncies ,but also behave horribly towards us and they are always up to something shady and wrong, sometimes even at our expense . They push us to take part in questionable activities and try out things that make us feel uncomfortable.

The Gossipmonger

One should definitely stay away from such friends . one thing you should know is that if they can snitch on other people,then surely they can snitch on you to. these are the kind of Friends who you'll find them as chairpersons in discussions based on bad mouthing you.

Fickle friends

One moment they are happy with you and before you know it , they're atitude is sky high and they practically hate you.When ever One is around such friends , they tend to feel like they have to walk on egg shells.So that if not completely, they at least try not to somehow upset them.

Short handed friends

These kind of Friends don't really have shot hands per say but rather they are stingy. They expect you to give them things but bearly will they give you any . Infact these kind of Friends would rarely help you when you are in need.

Writing has always been my haven on earth and I wrote an article about friendship because it's an essential part of One's life

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