Steel Fabrication: Discover Its Techniques and Benefits

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  • Author Grille Tech
  • Published April 1, 2023
  • Word count 461

What Is Steel Fabrication?

Do you know what steel fabrication is and how important it is in our daily lives? Steel fabrication is the process of transforming steel components into desired shapes and sizes through secondary metal manufacturing processes. Without it, we are not able to operate a functional electrical system and things that are essential in our daily lives, such as refrigerators, cars, and gates.

Types of Fabrication Process

  1. Cutting

It is basically a process of cutting steel components into desired shapes and sizes. Over the years, steel cutting methods have continuously emerged and evolved, including power scissors, laser cutting, waterjet cutting, and plasma arc cutting. To ensure the steel components that you need are created with exact precision, we employ machines that are being maintained regularly, such as wire cut machines and grinding machines in our steel cutting process.

  1. Forming

Steel forming is a technique of reshaping the form of a steel component without adding or removing any of its parts. Forging, rolling, and extrusion are some instances of steel-forming procedures. One of the machines that we apply in our steel forming process is our in-house pipe bend CNC machine, which is mainly used to reshape the steel pipe by applying sufficient force.

  1. Punching

Steel punching involves removing parts of the steel components with enough shearing force. Although the steel punching process can be carried out manually on a manual punch press machine, we use CNC punching machines in our steel punching process to make sure we produce holes and cutouts on the steel components with the precise sizes and standards demanded by our valued clients.

  1. Shearing

Shearing is another type of steel fabrication, which involves trimming and removing unwanted parts and materials from sheet metal. The shearing process does not require heat to change the shapes and forms of the steel components, but it needs the application of a machine, such as a bench shear to slice through the sheet metal to produce steel components with exact precision.

  1. Stamping

Steel stamping is a cold-forming steel fabrication process that requires the application of dies and stamping machines to shape sheet metal. Examples of steel stamping include progressive die stamping, four-slide stamping, deep draw stamping, and short run stamping. At Grille Tech Sdn Bhd, we have stamping presses with a range from 45 to 400 tonnes and fully utilize the dominating pressing technology.

  1. Welding

Welding is one of the steel fabrication techniques which involves using sufficient pressure and electric current to the weld regions to join two or more steel parts together. Even though welding is commonly applied on metals, it can also be used on wood as well. At Grille Tech Sdn Bhd, we apply CNC welding machines to ensure our steel welding process runs efficiently with optimal precision and accuracy.

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