10 Fascinating animals found only in Madagascar

Travel & Leisure

  • Author Utsav Srinet
  • Published April 26, 2023
  • Word count 1,000

If you are keen to learn about different species of animals then you must have definitely heard about Madagascar. Madagascar is home to almost 25000 animal species of which some are endangered too. Here is the list of animals found in Madagascar which means they are not found anywhere else in the world. Some animals living in Madagascar are:

  1. Giraffe weevil

The body length of male Giraffe weevil is about 2.5 cm and the neck of male giraffe weevil is 2 to 3 times longer than female. Its body is black having bright red shell known as elytra which covers and protects wings of giraffe weevil. Odd looking pedipalps are also present on its head. It is a form of beetle found only in Madagascar and was discovered in 2008. It feeds on a single tree known as giraffe beetle tree and it completely eats this tree away.

  1. The Panther Chameleon

The male Panther Chameleon grows 35 to 53 cm long and weighs 140-180 grams and female can grow about 23 to 33 cm long and weighs 60-100 grams. It is found only in dry deciduous forests and coastal lowlands of Madagascar with the average life expectancy of 3 years. It is known for its extra ordinary and wide range of colors. Male chameleon is larger in size with variety of colors and a swollen tail base while females are smaller in size with less color variations and thinner tail base. Its tongue is so long that it can stretch longer than its body and has a sticky substance that helps to catch its prey. Its eyes can rotate at 180 degree and has tong like feet. It feeds mostly on insects like grasshoppers, flies, worms and crickets.

  1. The Madagascar Pochard

The Madagascar Pochard can grow 17 to 22 inches and is found only in marshy areas and fresh water lakes of Madagascar. It is the world’s rarest diving duck and is generally dark brown with white under tail and white wing bars. Male bird has unique white eyes while female is pale brown with brown eyes. It spends most of its day in water and collects food from underwater like small submerged plants.

  1. Sifaka

Sifaka grows 16 to 19 inches tall and weighs 3.5 to 4 kg. It is found in dry deciduous and coastal forest of Madagascar with the life expectancy of 27 to 30 years. Sifaka is a lemur species having long tail and its whole body is covered with white fur. Brown patches are seen on legs, arms and chest. It has big bright yellow eyes and white furry nose. It is a herbivorous animal and eat flowers, wood, fruits, leaves and barks.

5 The Blue coua

The blue coua grows 15 to 17 inches long and weighs 99 to 104 grams. It is found in forests, palms, mangroves and savannas of Madagascar with the life expectancy of around 15 years. It has greenish-grey body with grey head, a pointed crest and a bluish purple tail with white tips. Its eyes are reddish-brown and legs and bill are black. It nourishes on fruits, berries, insects, snails and mice.

  1. Aye-aye

Aye aye weighs around 2 Kg and is 14 to 17 inches long with tail about 24 inches long. It is found in rainforests of Madagascar. It is black brown colored having thick fur. Its large bushy tail distinguishes it from other animals. Its big eyes and ears give it a scary look and its pointed claws on its toes help it in climbing from one branch to another. It generally feeds on fruits, seeds, insects, plants, honey and seeds. It is considered as endangered by IUCN because of attack by farmers and habitat loss.

  1. Leaf-nosed snake

Madagascar leaf-nosed snake grows up to 1 meter in length. It is the most unique species of snake bizarre nasel appendages. This snake has characteristics scaly appendages present on its snout. Its appendages are leaf like in females and long and tapered in males. Males are brown to yellow color and females are usually gray colored. It is a highly venomous snake and its bite can cause severe pain and swelling. It inhabits rain forests and deciduous forests of Madagascar. It is a carnivorous snake feeding on small animals and invertebrates. This snake also has capability to camouflage as it appears like a vein which it uses to defend itself and catch its prey.

  1. Comet Moth

Comet moth grows around 7.9 inches and is found in rain forests of Madagascar. It has life expectancy of only 4 to 6 days. It is a beautiful and exclusive Madagascan moon largest silk moth in the world. It is known for its special cocoon and silk structure. Its wing is divided into two parts with base yellow color having brown spots. Two antennae can be seen on top of its head. It goes through a four step life cycle-hatching from legs as larvae, feeding as caterpillars, forming a cocoon over body and finally an adult moth. It feeds on leaves and plants of cashew family.

  1. Satanic Leaf-tailed Gecko

Satanic Leaf-tailed Gecko grows 4 to 12 inches long and weighs 10 to 30 grams. It is found in dense tropical jungles of Madagascar. It has a life span of about 10 years. This exotic animal is grey, brown, orange or tan and has a long flat body with triangular head. It looks like a dead leaf decaying in environment having curved body and lines on skin like leaf veins. It has a long wide tail having frills and notches. It is a carnivores animal and feeds on insects, birds, reptiles, worms and spiders. Because of its unique look, it is illegally collected and traded as exotic pets.

  1. The Indri

Indri can grow 25 to 28 inches long and weighs 6 to 9 kg. It is found in coastal and montane rain forests of Madagascar. This largest living lemur species has a life expectancy of 15 to 18 years. It looks like a teddy bear having fussy ear, round head and yellowish colored eye. It is generally black and white colored which makes it looks super cute and can run at a speed of 20 mph. it is a herbivorous lemur and feeds on fruits, leaves, seeds and flowers.

To know more, read full article on: https://curbearth.com/

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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