8 DIY Home Projects You Can Do This Summer

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  • Author Destiny Clarkson
  • Published May 27, 2023
  • Word count 879

Summer is the perfect time to take on those DIY home projects that you’ve been putting off. With warmer weather and longer days, you have more time and energy to make your home look and function better. DIY projects can help you save money and make your home more unique. Here are eight DIY home projects that you can do this summer.

Paint Your Front Door

Your front door is the first thing people see when they visit your home, so why not make it stand out? A fresh coat of paint can do wonders for your home's curb appeal. Choose a bold color that complements your home's exterior, or go for a more classic look with a neutral hue. You can also add some interest by painting your door with a pattern or stencil. To ensure your door looks its best, properly prep it by sanding and cleaning it before painting.

Upgrade Your Lighting

Good lighting can greatly affect how your home looks and feels. Consider upgrading your lighting fixtures this summer to create a more welcoming and functional space. You can replace outdated fixtures with modern ones or install new ones in areas that need more light. You can also add dimmer switches to create a more relaxed evening ambiance. Just make sure to turn off the electricity and follow safety precautions when working with electrical wiring.

Build a Raised Garden Bed

Building a raised garden bed is a terrific way to get started with gardening. A raised bed makes it much simpler to control the quality of the soil, and it may also make it easier to ward against pests and weeds. You can construct a raised bed out of wood or another material and then fill it with soil, compost, and plants after you have finished building it. You may also make it more appealing by including ornamental components such as trellises or borders in the design.

Create a Gallery Wall

If you have a collection of art or photographs you've wanted to display, a gallery wall is a great way to do it. Choose a wall in your home that you want to highlight, then hang your artwork in a visually pleasing arrangement. You can mix and match different sizes and types of frames or use uniform frames for a more cohesive look. To create an intentional gallery wall, try laying out your frames on the floor first to experiment with different arrangements.

Refinish Your Deck

Refinishing your deck can breathe new life into it if it has become old and worn from exposure to the elements. To begin, remove any dirt and debris from the deck by giving it a thorough cleaning. The next step is to give the deck a newer appearance by protecting it from the elements with a deck stain or sealer. You have the option of selecting a hue that either blends in with the exterior of your property or appears more natural. When it comes to applying the stain or sealer, just make sure to do so in accordance with the manufacturer's directions.

Install a Backsplash

A backsplash is a great way to add some visual interest to your kitchen or bathroom. You can choose from various materials, including tile, stone, or metal, and you can easily search for online metals for metal backsplash materials that can add a unique touch to your space. Installing a backsplash can be a DIY project if you have some basic tiling skills, but if you're uncomfortable with the process, it's best to hire a professional.

Create a Focal Point

Adding a focal point to a room in your house that is otherwise underwhelming is a great way to inject some intrigue and catch the viewer's attention. This can be accomplished with something as easy as painting one wall in a striking color or introducing a piece of furniture or artwork that makes a statement. You can also make a point of interest in a room by strategically placing lighting or rearranging furniture to draw attention to a certain aspect of the space.

Organize Your Closet

During the summer, you should clean out and organize your home, and the closet is a great place to start. Your first step should be to sort through all of your garments and decide which ones to keep, which ones to donate, and which ones to get rid of. The next step is to make the most of the space you have available in your closet by installing storage options such as shelves, hanging organizers, and baskets. You can also inject some personality into the space by making use of ornamental hangers or by adding a dash of color here and there.


Summer is a perfect time to take on some DIY home projects to improve the look and feel of your home. From painting your front door to building a raised garden bed or installing a metal backsplash, there are plenty of options to choose from. Just make sure to prioritize safety and take your time to achieve the best results. You can make your home feel like a brand-new space with a little effort. Check out Online Metals for various metal backsplash materials to take your DIY project to the next level.

Destiny Clarkson is a writer from Knoxville, Tennessee with a love for country music, poetry, and writing.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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