Is It Possible to Get a Facebook Account Back if It Was Hacked?

Computers & TechnologyTechnology

  • Author Phillip Harden
  • Published November 15, 2023
  • Word count 718


In today's digital age, social media platforms like Facebook have become an integral part of our lives, connecting us with friends, family, and the world. But what happens when your Facebook account is hacked? It's a nightmare scenario that many users fear. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the steps you can take to recover your hacked Facebook account and regain control of your digital presence.

Understanding the Impact of a Hacked Facebook Account

A hacked Facebook account can lead to various issues, including identity theft, spamming your friends and followers, fraudulent activities, and even data breaches. Therefore, it's crucial to act swiftly if you suspect that your account has been compromised. Let's delve into the strategies for reclaiming your Facebook account.

Step 1: Confirm the Hack

The first sign of a hacked Facebook account is often unusual activity. You may notice strange posts, messages, or friend requests that you didn't initiate. To confirm the hack, try to log in. If you can't access your account, chances are it has been compromised.

Step 2: Report the Hacked Account to Facebook

Facebook offers a straightforward way to report a hacked account. Click on the "Forgot Password?" link on the login page and follow the prompts to report a hacked account. Facebook will guide you through a process to secure your account and recover it.

Step 3: Change Your Password

If you can still access your account, change your password immediately. Select a strong, unique password that combines letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid easily guessable passwords, such as "password123."

Step 4: Secure Your Email Account

Your email account is often linked to your Facebook account. If your email is compromised, it can be easier for hackers to regain control. Change your email password and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) to enhance security.

Step 5: Scan Your Device for Malware

Malware can compromise your account security. Run a thorough malware scan on your device to ensure it's clean. There are various antivirus and anti-malware tools available for this purpose.

Step 6: Remove Unauthorized Apps and Browser Extensions

Check your Facebook settings for any unauthorized apps or browser extensions that might have access to your account. Remove them immediately.

Step 7: Set Up Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Enable 2FA for your Facebook account. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring you to provide a second piece of information (typically a code sent to your mobile device) when logging in.

Step 8: Review Your Recent Activity

Check your recent activity log on Facebook to identify any suspicious actions or posts. Delete or report them to prevent further damage to your account.

Step 9: Secure Your Personal Information

Review and update your personal information, including your email, phone number, and security questions. Ensure they are accurate and up to date.

Step 10: Inform Your Friends

Let your Facebook friends know about the hack. Warn them not to engage with any suspicious messages or posts that may have come from your account.

Step 11: Submit a Facebook Account Recovery Request

If you can't regain access using the above steps, submit a Facebook account recovery request. Facebook will ask for information to verify your identity, so provide as much detail as possible.

Step 12: Be Patient and Persistent

Recovering a hacked Facebook account may take time. Be patient and stay persistent. Keep in touch with Facebook support if necessary.

Preventing Future Hacks

Once you've recovered your Facebook account, it's essential to take steps to prevent future hacks:

  1. Regularly Update Your Password: Change your password every few months and use a combination of upper and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols.

  2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication: Always have 2FA turned on for an added layer of security.

  3. Review App Permissions: Periodically review and revoke app permissions you no longer use.

  4. Stay Informed: Keep yourself informed about the latest hacking techniques and common cybersecurity threats.

  5. Educate Yourself: Learn to identify phishing attempts and other common hacking methods.

  6. Secure Your Email: As your email is often linked to your Facebook account, securing your email is crucial.


Recovering a hacked Facebook account is challenging, but it's not impossible. The key is to act swiftly and follow the appropriate steps to regain control. Always take preventive measures to protect your account from future hacks. By staying informed about cybersecurity threats and following best practices, you can enjoy a safe and secure Facebook experience.

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