The Jewish Lobby

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  • Author Jim Bracco
  • Published January 16, 2024
  • Word count 4,076

The Jewish Lobby

List of worldwide nongovernmental Jewish political organizations

The Jewish organizations listed here are political organizations devoted to Jewish political concerns, the leaders of which make up the Jewish Lobby, influencing the politics of their host countries. Such concerns include Israel, legal aspects to the definition of “antisemitism,” the public perception of the Judaism, how Judaism is treated in social interactions, and other parameters that determine the role of a Jewish minority in a larger, non-Jewish population. These leaders are the organized political arm of the Jewish community.

Not included here are other Jewish groups, such as religious and charitable groups that are not directly politically oriented, even though much of Jewish money that goes to Israel via such groups does technically contribute to the political power of Israel. The vast majority of these organizations are in the US and most the remainder are in England, France, Germany, and a few in Israel.

At the end of the list of Jewish groups are the relatively few non-Jewish groups that are known to promote Israeli political interests.

Additional comments on funding levels and political influence appear after the list.

Jewish Political Organizations

*Signifies US Political Action Committee (PAC)

#Signifies organizations in other countries

On this list, Current 2024: There are 354 total.

Number in the US: 274, of which 81 are PACS.

Number of foreign groups: 80.

Aish HaTorah

Academic Friends of Israel

Academic Study Group on Israel


Action PAC*

ActiveFence# (Israel)

Aleph Institute

Allies for Israel*

Am Yisrael Foundation


American Friends of Kohelet Policy Forum

American Friends of Likud

American Friends of NGO Monitor

American Israel Education Foundation (AIEF)

American Israeli Cooperative Enterprise

American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)

American Jewish Committee

American Jewish Congress

American Principles*

American Zionist Movement (comprised of 33 separate organizations)

American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE)

Americans for a Safe Israel

Americans for Good Government*

Americans for Tomorrow's Future

Americans United in Support of Democracy*

Anchorage Charitable Fund

Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

American Principles*

Arizona Politically Interested Citizens*

Arutz Sheva

Asper Foundation

Atlantic Jewish Council

Avi Chai Foundation

Badger PAC*

B'nai B'rith International

B'nai B’rith Canada

Bard Center for the study of Hate

Bay Area Council for Soviet Jews


Because I Care PAC*


Bi-County PAC*


Bnei Akiva

Board of Deputies of British Jews (affiliation with World Jewish Congress)#

Bodman Foundation

Breira (organization)

Bristol Jewish Society (J-Soc, UK)

Britain Israel Communications & Research Centre (UK)#

California Legislative Jewish Caucus

California PAC*

Canada-Israel Committee#

Canadian Centre of Israel and Jewish Affairs#

Canadian Jewish Congress#

Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee#

Canadian Zionist Federation#

Canary Mission

Capital PAC*

CEJI – A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe#

Center for Jewish Community Studies (part of JCPA)

Center for Middle East Policy (within Brookings Institution)

Center for Security Policy

Central Conference of American Rabbis

Central Council of Jews#

Central Fund of Israel (CFI)

Central Massachusetts Chabad

Centralverein Deutscher Staatsburger Judischen Glaubens#

Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA, Canada)

Chabad Lubavitch

Chabad of Westboro

Chai PAC*

Chicagoans for Better Congress*

Chili PAC*

Citizens Concerned for Natl Interest*

Citizens Organized PAC*


Civil Society Forum

Cleveland Council of Soviet Anti-Semitism

Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV)

Combat Anti-Semitism Movement (CAM)

Combat Antisemitism Movement CAM (Itself around 300 organizations)


Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting (CAMERA),

Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA)

Community Security Trust

Community Relations Committee of the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond

Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater

Community Relations Council of the United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula

Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany#

Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (unites 51 orgs)

Congressional Action Cmte of Texas*

Congressional Israel Allies Caucus (CIAC)

Congressional Jewish Congress

Connecticut Good Government PAC*

Conseil Reppresentatif des Institutions Juives de France#

Conservative Friends of Israel (UK)

Coordinating Council of Jerusalem

David Project

David Horowitz Freedom Center

David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies

Delaware Valley PAC*

Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI)*

Democrats for Israel Committee*

Desert Caucus*

East Midwood PAC*

Emergency Committee for Israel

Emerson Family Foundation


Eris & Larry Field Family Foundation

Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC)

European Jewish Association#

European Jewish Congress#

European Jewish Parliament#

European Union of Jewish Students#

Five Towns PAC*

Florida Congressional Committee*

Florida Jewish Democrats

Foreign Policy Initiative (PNAC 2.0)

Foreign Policy Research Institute

For Integrity in Govt PAC*

Foundation for the Defense of Democracies

Freedom Center

Friends of Ir David

Friends of Israel*

Friends of Israel (UK)#

Friends of Israel Initiative

Friends of Israeli Defense Forces

Garden State PAC*

Genesis Prize

Georgia Citizens for Good Government*

Georgia Peach*

German Committee for Ffeeing of Russian Jews#

German organization Honestly Concerned#

Gold Coast PAC*

Grand Canyon State Caucus*

Greater Los Angeles PAC*

Greater New York Conference on Soviet Jewry

Habonim Dror


Hadassah Women's Zionist Organization of America

Hanoar Hatzioi (HH, Israel)#

Hasbara Fellowships

Heartland PAC*

Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion

Hellen Diller Family Foundation

Heritage Foundation

Hertog Foundation

Herzl Institute in Jerusalem#


Hochberg Family Foundation

Holocaust Memorial Council

Honest Reporting Canada#

Hudson Institute

Hudson Valley PAC*

Independent Australian Jewish Voices#

Independent Jewish Voices (Canada) #

Independent Jewish Voices (US)

Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism: four centers:

Yale University

Tel Aviv University#

Hebrew University of Jerusalem#

Technical University of Berlin#

Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies

Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis

Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy

Institute for Zionist Strategies (Israel)#

Interdisciplinary Center (IDC Herzliya)#

International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians#

International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (aka Stand for Israel)

International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance#

International League Against Racism and Antisemitism#

International Legal Forum

Israel Allies Foundation

Israel Britain Alliance (UK)#

Israel Democracy Institute’s International Advisory Council#

Israel Hayom (biased newspaper in Israel, most widely distributed)#

Israel Land Fund (ILF)#

Israel on Campus Coalition#

Israel Policy Forum#

Israel Project

Israel Institute of New Zealand (IINZ)#

Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs#

J Street

J Street PAC*

Jacobson Family Foundation

Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs#

Jerusalem Post#

Jewish Agency for Israel#

Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee#

Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco

Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles

Jewish Community Relations Council of New York

Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington

Jewish Council for Education & Research*

Jewish Council for Public Affairs

Jewish Daily Forward

Jewish Defense League

Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA)

Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA)

Jewish Federation of Cincinnati Hillel

Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia

Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA)

Jewish Leadership Conference

Jewish Leadership Council (UK)#

Jewish Labor Movement (UK)#

Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF, Israel)#

Jewish National Fund – USA

Jewish National Fund – Canada#

Jewish News Syndicate

Jewish Party (Czechoslovakia)#

Jewish Party (Romania)#

Jewish Socialists' Group#

Jewish Virtual Library

Jewish Voice for Labour#


Jews for Israeli-Palestinian Peace#

Jim Joseph Foundation

JNF Charitable Trust (Jewish National Fund – UK)#

Joint Action Cmte for Political Affairs*

Kentucky-Israel Caucus

Keren Keshet Foundation

Klarman Family Foundation

Kohelet Policy Forum

Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation

The Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law

Louisiana for American Security*

Magshimey Herut#

Maryland Assn For Concerned Citizens*

Massachusetts Congr Campaign Cmte*

Megamot Shalom


Michigan Democratic Jewish Caucus


Middle East Forum

Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)

Middle East & Central Asia Research Center (MECARC, at Aria University)#

Mid-Manhattan PAC*

Milstein Family Foundation

Ministry of Diaspora Affairs (Israel government)#

Ministry of Strategic Affairs (Israel government)#



Mosaic Magazine

Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies#

Moskowitz Foundation

Multi-Issue PAC*

Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council

National Action Committee*

National Bipartisan PAC*

National Coalition Supporting Soviet Jewry

National Jewish Democratic Council*

National PAC*

NC Jewish Caucus

Nefesh B'Nefesh

Never Again Action

New Fraternal Jewish Association

New Jersey Democratic State Committee Jewish Caucus

New Jersey-Israel Commission

Newton and Rochelle Becker Charitable Trust

New York State Young Democrats Jewish Caucus


NGO Monitor#


North Jersey PAC/ NorPAC*

Northern Californians for Good Govt*

Northwest PAC*

Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism (Official US Fed Gov Office!)

One Jerusalem

The Public Diplomacy Directorate (Israeli office)

PAC of Cherry Hill, NJ*

Pacific PAC*

Palestinian Media Watch

Partners for Progressive Israel

Pax PAC*

Pennsylvania Jewish Legislative Caucus

Pinsker Center (at King’s College London)#

KCL Israel Society (at King’s College London)#

City Israel Society (at King’s College London)#

Pro-Israel America PAC*


Religious Zionists of America

Republican Jewish Coalition*

Reut Group (formerly the Reut Institute, Israel)#

Rita & Irwin Hochberg Family Foundation (aka, Defense of Democracies)

Roundtable PAC*

Sacramento Area Good Govt Assn*

Samuel Neaman Institute for National Policy Research#

San Diego Community PAC*

San Franciscans for Good Government*

Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME)#

Scottish Council of Jewish Communities#

Seph PAC*

Shalem Center in Jerusalem#

Shiloh Policy Forum

Shurat HaDin (aka. Israel Law Center ILC)#

Silver State PAC*

Simon Wiesenthal Center

Snider Foundation

South Carolinians for Representative Govt*

South Florida Caucus*

Stand With Us (aka, Israel Emergency Alliance)

St Louis PAC*

St Louisians for Better Government*

Stat PAC*


Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry (SSSJ)


Swedish Zionist Federation#

Sussex Friends of Israel (UK)#

Tehran Jewish Committee#

Tennesseans For Better Government*

The Coexistence Trust#


To Protect Our Heritage PAC*


United PAC*

U.N. Watch#

Union des Progressistes Juifs de Belgique#

Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) (aka, Union of Amrcn Hebrw Congrtns UAHC)

Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (arm of UAHC)

Central Conference of American Rabbis (second arm of UAHC)

Union of Councils for Soviet Jews (UCSJ)

Union of Jewish Students (UK)#

Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America

United Americans In Israel*

United Democracy Project (from AIPAC)*

United Jewish Israel Appeal#

United with Israel#

U.S. House of Representatives Jewish Caucus

US Israel PAC*

Virginia Congressional Committee*

Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP)

Washington PAC*

We Believe in Israel (UK)#

Westchester Allied PAC*

William Rosenwald Family Fund

Women's Alliance for Israel / World Alliance for Israel*

Women's International Zionist Organization (WIZO)#

Women's Pro-Israel National PAC*

Women’s Zionist Organization of America

World Jewish Congress#

World Jewish Congress American Section (Fund raising arm)

World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ)# (Umbrella Organization)

World Union of Jewish Students#

World Zionist Organization#

Yehuda and Anne Neuberger Foundation

Yesha Council (in Israel)

Young Jewish Leadership PAC*


Zionist Federation of Germany#

Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland (Reps over 30 organizations)#

Zionist General Council#

Zionist Organization of America*

Non-Jewish Political Organizations

Christian Broadcasting Network

Christian Television Network

Christians United for Israel (John Hagee)

Stand for Israel

Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem

Funding Levels of Organizations

Jewish Political Action Committees (PAC) contributed to a total of $71,300,000 to US elections from 1990 to 2020, with an average of $3,400,000 per year, and in the years 2016 – 2020, the average was $8,300,000 per year:

The term “Israel Lobby” that most writers use for this Lobby fails to do justice to the extraordinary scope and composition of this special interest group, since the Lobby addresses all Jewish political concerns, not just Israel, the leaders of the US Jewish political organizations above are virtually all US Jewish citizens, and the number and impact of non-Jewish organizations that support Israel is minuscule compared to this huge block of Jewish organizations.

Shown below are funding levels of some of the above organizations, and contributions to most them are tax-deductible donations (according to Allison Weir). The above link to the Jewish Virtual Library provides funding levels for some of the individually named PACs in the list.

• The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC): $100s million endowment; $100 million annual revenues.

• The American Israel Education Foundation (AIEF): $26 million annual revenues.

• The Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP): $23.5 million net assets. $9.4 million annual revenues.

• Anti-Defamation League (ADL): $115 million net assets,[12] $60 million annual revenues.

• International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (aka Stand for Israel): $100 million annual revenues.

• The Israel Project: $11 million annual budget.

• Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces (FIDF): $80 million net assets, $60 million annual revenues.

• Hadassah (Women’s Zionist Organization of America): $400 million net assets, $100 million annual revenues.

• The Jim Joseph Foundation: $837 million net assets.

• The Avi Chai Foundation: $615 million total assets.

• Jewish Federations: $3 billion annual revenues.

• Jewish Community Relations Councils, in cities all over U.S.: Boston annual revenues $2.5 million; Louisville annual revenues $7-10 million; Detroit $734,000, New York $4.5 million, etc.

• Hillel: Over $26 million.

• JINSA Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs: $3 million annual revenues.

• Center for Security Policy: $4 million annual revenues.

• Foreign Policy Initiative (PNAC 2.0): $1.5 million annual revenues.

• MEMRI Middle East Media Research Institute: $5.2 million.

• Birthright: $55 million.

• David Project: $4.4 million.

• CAMERA Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America: $3.5 million.

Various Facts and Comments

  1. Jewish Funding Levels of Politicians

As of January 2024, the top ten US politicians getting Jewish money since 1990 are:

#1 Joe Biden, $4,346,264

Biden is a key figure in securing record sums of U.S. aid to the Jewish state and helped block a 1998 peace proposal with Palestine. He stated that there are “no red lines” that Israel could cross that would result in a loss of American support, giving Israeli Jews a carte blanche to break any rules, norms or laws they want, resulting in Apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and war crimes such as the bombing of schools, hospitals and places of worship, mass starvation, collective deadly punishment, including the use of white phosphorous munitions on civilians. Most all the arms Israel is using come supplied directly by the U.S. In November, 2023, the Biden administration rubber-stamped another $14.5 billion military aid package to Israel, ensuring the carnage would continue, and enrolling themselves in likely war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.

#2 Robert Menéndez, $2,483,205

He claims that Israel, based on Zionism, a form of fascism, and the United States are intrinsically linked and were founded on the same principles.

#3 Mitch McConnell, $1,953,160

He’s famous for his attempt to force through legislation criminalizing BDS, in direct violation of our first Amendments rights to free speech.

#4 Chuck Schumer, $1,725,324

This long-time senator, a pillar of the US Jewish Community, has taken the lead in steering the public conversation away from Israel’s crimes and towards a supposed rise in antisemitism across America. “To us, the Jewish people, the rise in antisemitism is a crisis. A five-alarm fire that must be extinguished,” the New York Senator said, adding that “Jewish-Americans are feeling singled out, targeted and isolated. In many ways, we feel alone.” Schumer is a skilled obfuscator and propagandist for the Jewish Tribe, enhancing the propaganda efforts that Israel funds with tens of millions of dollars annually for its “Hasbara” efforts. The idea that antisemitic hate is exploding across the United States comes largely from a report published by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), headed by Jonathan Greenblatt, which claims that antisemitic incidents have risen by 337% since October 7. Buried in the small print, however, is the fact that 45% of these “antisemitic” incidents the ADL has tallied are pro-Palestine, pro-peace marches calling for ceasefires, including ones led by Jewish groups like If Not Now or Jewish Voice for Peace. He writes:

“Today, too many Americans are exploiting arguments against Israel and leaping toward a virulent antisemitism. The normalization and intensifying of this rise in hate is the danger many Jewish people fear most.”

He labeled Dave Zirin, a Jewish journalist, as an antisemite for supporting Palestinians. Schumer has led the US Senate to push through military aid packages to Israel, even as it carries out actions many have labeled war crimes, writing that:

“One of the most important tasks we must finish is taking up and passing a funding bill to ensure we, as well as our friends and partners in Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific region, have the necessary military capabilities to confront and deter our adversaries and competitors.”

#5 Steny Hoyer, $1,620,294

Hoyer demanded that “Congress must immediately and unconditionally fund Israel,” and give Netanyahu the green light to do whatever he pleases. And referring to Israel, which Jews established via settler colonization of Palestine, and in which Jews maintain illegal occupations, “..this is your place of security, this is your place of sovereignty, this is your place of safety.”

Hoyer also voted in favor of a bill stating that anti-Zionism is inherently antisemitic, thereby declaring all criticism of Israel to be invalid and racist.

#6 Ted Cruz, $1,299,194

On an interview with Breaking Point on YouTube, Cruz said, "I don’t condemn anything Israel does" just after the interviewer quoted an Israeli spokesman of advocating the use of a nuclear bomb on Gaza.

#7 Ron Wyden, $1,279,376

In 2017, he co-sponsored a bill that made it a federal crime, punishable by a maximum prison sentence of 20 years, for Americans to participate in or even encourage boycotts against Israel and illegal Israeli settlements. Such a bill would be in direct violation of the First Amendment.

#8 Dick Durbin, $1,126,020

He owes his political career to the Israel lobby. In 1982, the then-obscure college professor benefitted enormously from AIPAC money to defeat incumbent Paul Findley, a strong proponent of the Palestinian people. Recently, he called for immediate military aid to Israel and co-signed a senate resolution reaffirming Washington’s support for Israel’s “right to self-defense” in the wake of October 7.

#9 Josh Gottheimer, $1,109,370

He co-sponsored a bill equating opposition to Israeli government policy with antisemitism and introduced legislation to block and criminalize boycotting the state of Israel. He tried to pressure Rutgers University into calling off an event that protested for Palestinian rights. He wrote, “Last night, 15 of my Democratic colleagues voted AGAINST standing with our ally Israel and condemning Hamas terrorists who brutally murdered, raped, and kidnapped babies, children, men, women, and elderly, including Americans. They are despicable and do not speak for our party,”

#10 Shontel Brown, $1,028,686

She wrote, “Let’s be clear: Israel is not an apartheid state. Any mischaracterizations otherwise attempt to delegitimize Israel, a robust democracy, and will only serve to fuel rising antisemitism. I will always advocate for a strong U.S.-Israel relationship founded on our shared values.” She received more pro-Israel money than any other politician nationwide during the 2021-2022 election cycle, helping her overcome a double-digit polling deficit to defeat Nina Turner, a democratic socialist and former co-chair of Bernie Sanders’ 2020 campaign.

  1. The Center for Responsive Politics

The Center for Responsive Politics, publisher of, tracks all lobbies and PACs, and describes the 'background' of those 'Pro-Israel' PACs as, "A nationwide network of local political action committees, generally named after the region their donors come from, supplies much of the pro-Israel money in US politics. Additional funds also come from individuals who bundle contributions to candidates favored by the PACs. The donors' unified goal is to build stronger Israel-United States relations and to support Israel in its negotiations and armed conflicts with its Arab neighbors."

The Center for Responsive Politics: 1990–2006 data shows that "pro-Israel interests have contributed $56.8 million in individual, group and soft money donations to federal candidates and party committees since 1990." [$3.6 mpy] In contrast, Arab-Americans and Muslims PACs contributed slightly less than $800,000 during the same (1990–2006) period. In 2006, 60% of the Democratic Party's fundraising and 25% of that for the Republican Party's fundraising came from Jewish-funded PACs. According to a Washington Post estimate, Democratic presidential candidates depend on Jewish sources for as much as 60% of money raised from private sources.

AIPAC president Howard Friedman says "AIPAC meets with every candidate running for Congress. These candidates receive in-depth briefings to help them completely understand the complexities of Israel's predicament and that of the Middle East as a whole. We even ask each candidate to author a 'position paper' on their views of the US-Israel relationship – so it's clear where they stand on the subject."

According to Mitchell Bard, Israel lobbyists also educate politicians by:

taking them to Israel on study missions. Once officials have direct exposure to the country, its leaders, geography, and security dilemmas, they typically return more sympathetic to Israel. Politicians also sometimes travel to Israel specifically to demonstrate to the lobby their interest in Israel. Thus, for example, George W. Bush made his one and only trip to Israel before deciding to run for President in what was widely viewed as an effort to win pro-Israel voters' support.[24]

Mearsheimer and Walt quote Morris Amitay, former AIPAC director as saying, "It's almost politically suicidal ... for a member of Congress who wants to seek reelection to take any stand that might be interpreted as anti-policy of the conservative Israeli government."[83] They also quote a Michael Massing article in which an unnamed staffer sympathetic to Israel said, "We can count on well over half the House – 250 to 300 members – to do reflexively whatever AIPAC wants."[84] Similarly they cite former AIPAC official Steven Rosen illustrating AIPAC's power for Jeffrey Goldberg by putting a napkin in front of him and saying, "In twenty-four hours, we could have the signatures of seventy senators on this napkin."[85]

American journalist Michael Massing argues that there is a lack of media coverage on the Israel lobby and posits this explanation: "Why the blackout? For one thing, reporting on these groups is not easy. AIPAC's power makes potential sources reluctant to discuss the organization on the record, and employees who leave it usually sign pledges of silence. AIPAC officials themselves rarely give interviews, and the organization even resists divulging its board of directors."[60] Massing writes that in addition to AIPAC's efforts to maintain a low profile, "journalists, meanwhile, are often loath to write about the influence of organized Jewry. ... In the end, though, the main obstacle to covering these groups is fear."[60] Steven Rosen, a former director of foreign-policy issues for AIPAC, explained to Jeffrey Goldberg of The New Yorker that "a lobby is like a night flower: it thrives in the dark and dies in the sun."[118]

Why so much political activity by Jews?

Here’s the Jewish Manifesto:

The Jewish Manifesto

"We had enough. No more will we be victims. The Holocaust was the last straw. Never again!

“We will fight for our existence, and too bad the Palestinians got in the way, but our survival as a Tribe is at stake, and we will make sure our refuge, the Jewish State, is restored to Eretz Yisrael and strong enough to forever ensure our Tribal survival in this world that mostly hates us.

“G-d reserved this land for us and we are claiming it for the second time now. The first time was from the Canaanites, and now it's from the Palestinian Arabs. This is what our G-d has promised us because we are the only ones chosen by the Almighty.

"And we will lie and obfuscate and even resort to Biblical fairy tales as much as necessary to fool both ourselves and everyone else, convincing everyone that we have a valid moral argument to support our settler-colonialism, illegal occupation, Apartheid System, theft of land, ethnic cleansing, daily murders, dispossession, assassinations, and unjust imprisonment of our fellow Semites, the Palestinian Arab people. And now, finally, we have shown that we will resort to genocide of the Palestinians, once we feel confident enough that we can get away with it, at least in the minds of our favorite superpower, the USA.

"We will not admit to lying and obfuscating, and the most we will admit is that 'We do what we have to do.'

"We do not take prisoners and we will assassinate you if we deem that you’re too much a threat to the Tribe, no matter who or where you are. We don't recognize any possible constraint another sovereign nation might attempt with us, and we consider Israel above all other nations or human organizations. All other people are individuals, not members of anything that has equal status to the Jewish Tribe. Our morality is uniquely Jewish Morality and we acknowledge no higher authority, either secular or moral.

"And we will violate democratic principles by means of our vast wealth in order to ensure that the US superpower, along with the UK and key EU nations, will provide unconditional political and military support for Israel, enrolling the entire US citizenry into being accomplice and accessory to the actions Israeli Jews take against the Palestinian peoples.

“We are in a constant state of war with the Gentiles, mostly below the surface, because they can attempt our extermination anytime at the drop of a hat. The Tribe is more important than any of us, or any other person, because of the benefits our leaders derive from it, because of its proven success as their business model. Although Jew Power benefits most of all our leaders, all Jews should exercise it, because the Tribe must prevail forever and vanquish any resisting individual, whether Jew or non-Jew.”e sun."[118]

I'm one of many curious beings who try to explain the problematic nature of tribalism, any kind of tribalism and hope that we humans learn to establish our common humanity - now proven by DNA to be a scientific fact - as the basis for all our institutions, groups, and dealings with one another.

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Article comments

Jim · 1 year ago
Dan, I composed it. Many of the ideas were derived from my discussions with a formerly Orthodox Jew, who was a good friend of mine, despite the fact that he was extremely bigoted with regard to Palestinians, and he believed the most hard-core teachings of Zionism. We got into many heated arguments about it, but despite it all, we remained friends I believe because we saw beneath our differences. I wish everyone were like that. Thus, in many cases, I only rephrased what he told me. Although he stopped practicing Orthodoxy, he remembered and remained true to much of his childhood indoctrination. So I simply put it all together into a consistent and comprehensive package, and I was always eager to learn how this segment of society lives and believes. There are many other interesting tidbits, which are far too many and disparate to include in a single Manifesto. He has since passed on, an event that brings me much grief.

dan · 1 year ago
hi. i am wondering where you took the jewish manifesto from. please advise. kind regsrds. dan

Mike Lynch
Mike Lynch · 1 year ago
Some people just can't get along with anyone who doesn't support their world view and their causes. And feel justified in being that way for some reason. You just can't reason with a nut. Especially a nut with power. Best just to leave them alone.

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