College Education Courses Online - What You Should Know
Reference & Education → College & University
- Author Terry Edwards
- Published February 15, 2008
- Word count 498
Education online is a growing field of opportunity for those who are unable to complete a traditional course of college education. Reasons are varied for people being unable to complete normal college information, but may include financial and time constraints.Online college courses tend to cost less than campus courses, but more importantly when receiving your education online you can still work. Holding down a full time job may be essential to some at the same time as studying because they are not only having to pay for their college education but also their course books and day to day living costs. An online college education has a greater flexibility in how you manage your time and so gives you a better chance to still hold a full time job or fulfill other responsibilities. There may also be people who want to further their college education but do not have the time for traditional courses because they work full time, or are raising children and do not want to put them in daycare whilst they attend to their course requirements. For them attending online college courses gives them the flexibility to study after work, or when the children are napping or have gone to bed. Even if you are studying for your degree through a traditional campus institution, there may be courses that are available online, that will give you a little more freedom to perhaps take extra college courses in one semester and less in another if you need to play catch up or else make a semester easier because of upcoming commitments. Many, if not all colleges will now provide course information and education materials online. This is not to allow people to skip classes, or to enable them to sleep through lectures but rather as a support to the education that they are receiving. Courses are available in many areas of study including such areas as computer science and programming, foreign languages, theoretical sciences, the arts-almost everything that a traditional college can offer education in.Other than the requirements for payment for your courses there may be educational prerequisites too. You will also need to purchase the course materials and will need a computer with internet access for the online access to classes. Occasionally a telephone may be needed, to call into a class and listen to a live lecture, or to participate in a seminar or other discussion.Exams may be held online, but there is also likely to be a requirement at some point through the course, for you to sit an exam under normal exam conditions, on campus. There are other times that you may be required to be on campus too and this should be born in mind when considering which course you which to do, because if you sign up for a college a thousand miles away you may struggle when the dean wants to hold interviews to confirm that it really was you that took the course and exam.
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