The Perfect Time to Begin your Fat Loss Program

Health & FitnessWeight-Loss

  • Author Holly Rigsby
  • Published August 22, 2008
  • Word count 492

"I'll Begin When...."

Sound familiar? Waiting for the right time to begin your fat

loss program? I'm wondering something....

What is the magic in waiting?

What do you expect will suddenly be different one week, two weeks,

a month from now?

As Busy Moms - there will always be too much to do. And guess

what....there is no "perfect time" - except the time that you

can take RIGHT NOW - to make a firm decision to begin something

that is Overflowing with benefits into your life and the lives

of your family.

If I told you that you could...

~ Have more energy

~ Eliminate cravings

~ Dramatically reduce stress

~ Drop a Jean Size

~ Feel good about yourself again

Would you smile, look me in the eye and say...."No thanks, not

right now, the time just isn't right" Huh...?

If not now -to Look and Feel great.... then when? And when that

time arrives....what is to prevent you from making the exact

same statement? Then you look up to find another year has passed!

So what are you hoping to accomplish by putting off what you

deserve to have right now?

It is quite unfortunate that during the holiday season, on the

cusp of the New Year where "resolutioners" come out of their

sedentary lifestyles for a brief moment as they promise...

"This time I will lose weight" - only to find themselves defeated

yet again as they quickly revert back to old habits.

It's pretty obvious that this approach just does not work. Taking

the easy route, the route that allows us to stay with unsupportive,

familiar habits is giving us nothing in return - in fact it is

draining and taking away your 3 sources power ... your valuable

time, money and energy.

Super Busy Mom, Sarah Z. came to an amazing realization...

"One of the things that has been holding me back was needing

to feel like everything was 'in place' (more or less) before

I took the time to exercise.

I felt like I had to 'have time' to exercise.

Nope, I've got to make time, I know...but now I know what that

really means.

It means making time to do it REGARDLESS OF THE CHAOS around me.

I am now starting to visualize a messy house (not too hard :)

a stack of piles waiting for me -- and me exercising anyway --

and then tacking all that stuff AFTER I've exercised."

This is a brilliant realization and one you need to take to heart,


"Your actions express your priorities"

What statement are you making about what matters most to you

if you put it on the back burner?

Moms - It's Time! Time to make your health and fitness, your

ability to reclaim your pre-baby body, your ability to look in

the mirror and feel good about what you see a Priority starting

today. Fit Yummy Mummy is your solution to putting your priorities

into action.

Holly Rigsby is CPT, MAT America’s #1 Fat Loss Expert for Busy

Moms and author. Holly has worked with over 300 Mom's to help

them lose the stubborn baby fat, get their pre-baby body back

and reclaim their yummy-ness. Don't miss her Free Report:

Top 5 Busy Mom Metabolism Boosters. Go here:

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