Eat Right and you will Lose Weight
Health & Fitness → Weight-Loss
- Author Bruce Tucker
- Published February 1, 2009
- Word count 557
I was watching an episode of the television game show "Family Feud" the other day and the question was what are people’s New Year’s resolutions? The two contestants each tried to hit the plunger at the same time to answer first and the one person that did, emphatically answered lose weight. It counted for over 70 of the possible 100 points that were available.
There is not question that the majority of people in this country want to lose a few pounds, and for health reasons most should lose a few pounds. The common misconception is that you have to spend hours in a gym or eat foods that taste bland. Both misconceptions could not be further from the truth. Sure exercise will help, but exercise alone will not do it. You must implement a healthy nutrition plan if you want to have any chance at success.
Most people eat three large meals per day. Studies have shown that eating many smaller meals throughout the day is more ideal for weight loss. This process keeps your body’s metabolism burning all day long. Your metabolism is the process by which your body burns fat. Keeping your metabolism always on will invariable help in burning more fat.
However just eating smaller meals isn’t the only thing to know. You must also know what to eat. Gorging on fatty foods and sugary soft drinks is a quick way to becoming unhealthy and overweight. You need to eat each meal with equal portions of protein, carbohydrates and green vegetables.
Your protein sources should come from lean meats, poultry, egg whites, and fish, like salmon and tilapia. Your carbohydrates should consist of potatoes, whole grain breads and cereals as well as fruits like apples or oranges. Your vegetables should be green. The darker green they are the better it is for you. Spinach, broccoli and asparagus are great examples.
Now that you know what to eat and when to eat it the last thing you need to know is exactly how much to eat of each group. This is called portion size and is a very important. It is important because if you are eating too much, you are consuming more than your body can breakdown and will store the leftover as fat, especially if you consume too many carbohydrates. Therefore keep this rule of thumb in mind when it comes to portion size. A portion size is the same size as your clenched fist. I find using this method gives me the amount of food I need that is adequate without having to lug around a scale. You will have a portion size of each group. This will give you ample food for each meal with the right amount of nutrients that your body needs.
Add in twelve ounces of water with each meal and you are on your way to healthy new you in no time. Just follow this information everyday and you should average weight loss of about 1 to 2 pounds each week until finally your body levels off at an appropriate weight that is healthy. Your results may vary based on your height, weight and so on.
Just remember that before your begin any type of exercise, fitness, health or nutrition program that you should consult with your primary care physician first to get a complete physical.
About the Author: Mr. Tucker is a regular contributor on Bukisa, an online community for writers that pay you for your articles. You can also follow him on Twitter.
Article source: https://articlebiz.comRate article
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