Eating for Accelerated Weight Loss

Health & FitnessWeight-Loss

  • Author Evan James
  • Published February 19, 2009
  • Word count 755

The good news - no matter why you have a slow metabolic system, whether you were born with it, it slowed as you got older or you killed it with starvation diets, you can reprogram your metabolism to get it going so fast that you can lose as much as 30 pounds in just a few weeks.

But first you need to know what kinds of food to eat and in what combination, and amounts in order to accelerate your metabolism, so you lose fat fast. You'll eat often. You'll eat real, natural, good food. And you'll never go hungry. Best of all, you'll discover that this plan is remarkably easy to follow. In fact, there are only a couple of firm rules...

Rule #1 - Never Skip Meals

How is it possible to eat more and lose weight? It is not only possible, it is mandatory. If you want to lose weight, you have to eat. Just as eating less frequently like you do on a diet will shut your metabolism down, if you eat more often, your metabolism speeds up. Your body gets into the habit of always having food so it says, "I'm going to get more food in a couple of hours, no point storing this, I'll burn it up - the metabolism speeds up and you start burning fat fast!

Skipping meals will tend to slow down your metabolism. If you miss a meal, try to get it in as soon as possible. Do not eliminate the missed meal. It will further slow down your weight loss.

The other problem with skipping a meal is that you are liable to get so hungry by the time you get to the next meal that your body will start to crave fat and sweet carbs that can further slow your metabolism.

When you skip meals, you may also end up eating more than your body needs at the next meal. There is a mechanism in our body that tells us when we have had enough to eat. In order to combat starvation, this mechanism shuts off so that you can continue to overeat and store body fat. This would be great if you were living centuries ago in the Australian outback. I however, with a burger stand on every corner, an adequate supply of money, an abundance of vending machines, snacks in the workplace and a full refrigerator at home, a shut-down feedback mechanism can he downright dangerous. This is especially true if your metabolism is null and void and your exercise habits nonexistent or sporadic.

Remember, the eating program is metabolic in nature, so you don't want to overload your system with too much food at any one meal. The food it can't use will end up getting stored as fat. By eating every two and one-half to three hours, you can keep your blood sugar levels even, so your body isn't given a signal to store fat, and you won't end up feeling so hungry that you are tempted to reach for a food that is not right for your body.

Rule #2 - Don't Eat Foods You Don't Like

This is not a diet. No one can stay on a diet indefinitely. Eventually, you are going to become overwhelmed by cravings, or in the case of most diets, simply hunger. People will deprive themselves of all sorts of things - eliminate entire food groups (like carbs or fat), or limit their diet to just a few foods (soups, shakes or grapefruit), and literally starve themselves for a diet that is inherently doomed to failure. So why bother even starting?

To lose weight naturally and be successful at it you need to eat real food - whole, natural food. The typical meals on these plans don't look anything like "diet- food". For some, a steak dinner with mashed potatoes and steamed veggies is a typical meal. For other, it will be fish with a big salad and fruit for dessert. Every meal should be delicious, nutritious and satisfying.

Most people find that once they begin the plan, they don't feel like they are depriving themselves of anything. They eat a lot, they eat all the time and they eat great-tasting foods. And that makes it very easy for them to continue to eat these types of foods for the rest of their lives, which in turn means that for the first time... they can lose the weight they want and keep it off.

Essentially, you can make virtually any meal a "fat-burning" meal.

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