How Do You Set Your Integrity Bar?

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  • Author Neil Graber
  • Published May 26, 2009
  • Word count 504

An individual’s credibility is the result of two aspects – competency and character. Competency is simply what the individual does, their actions, and how they handle themselves. Character is who the individual is, the convictions they uphold, and the rules they live by. We each have the opportunity to determine where we set the bar in regard to our integrity – and for the most part, that decision will determine who we are. The success we achieve in our personal and business lives in many ways is shaped by our integrity.

Some sources have stated the highest principle of leadership is integrity. I would go a step further and add that it is not only for leaders, it is for all of us as we go about and live our daily lives.

Once you begin to compromise your ethics for one reason or another, you will quickly find yourself on the slippery slope with trouble being at the bottom. An example of this may include decisions made for the greater good where one group is being positively impacted at the expense of a different group. This also may occur when the achievement of results becomes more important than how those results were created. Too often today we can see examples of this in both business and personal situations.

As an individual, regardless of your role or position, you should hold your life and your work to the highest scrutiny. Your actions must be held to the same level as your beliefs. As compromise creeps into picture, and your actions do not match your beliefs, the little concessions begin to grow until suddenly you find yourself in an undesirable position.

Perfection in many cases is not the best route to take – in setting your personal bar of integrity, it is the only way to go. Listen to the words in Matthew 5:48 – "Be ye, therefore, perfect, even as your Father, which is in heaven, is perfect." Our direction is clear. Be the highest and best that you can be. You should seek the good and the positive in all circumstances and with your association with others. Your beliefs form your consciousness and set the path for you to follow.

Holding to your principles is not always an easy task, especially when pressured by others or facing a seemingly insurmountable situation. Reinforcement of your ideals may be found by attending your church, reading your Bible, through prayer or mediation, or by association with other individuals who share your beliefs.

Ben Sweetland said, "success is a journey, not a destination". As we reach different crossroads in the journey of our life where we find ourselves in the middle of nowhere. It is then we are faced with going back or off into one of three different directions. I pray you hold true to your beliefs and don’t falter and compromise. May you reach your desired level of success and, upon achieving that level, still know that you held on tightly to your integrity as you made the journey.

Neil Graber, Life Style Mentor and Successful Entrepreneur, is helping many become the next success story. Whether you're looking to create an extra few thousand dollars per month, be an ex-corporate executive, or the next millionaire Mom, Neil can assist you to create a second stream of income and greater peace of mind. visit : Success

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