Learn How To Lose 10 Pounds In One Week
Health & Fitness → Weight-Loss
- Author Mohd Hizer Hasan
- Published September 10, 2009
- Word count 509
How do you lose 10 pounds in one week? There are a few ways to do it. You can exercise and watch your diet. If you are not into exercise, then you can just follow certain diet programs which are available on the internet.
A diet program that can make you lose 10 pounds in a week is the Cabbage Soup Diet a.k.a the ‘Mayo Clinic Program’ and ‘Sacred Heart Hospital Diet’. Pay no attention to these names as it is actually a diet which concentrate on eating unlimited cabbage soup for one week. The cabbage soup is consumed without limits because it contain very little calories.
The cabbage soup diet combined unlimited cabbage soup with other foods. The other foods which are combined with the soup are skim milk, fruits, vegetables and meat. No alcohol is allowed during the week and you are advised to drink plenty of water. The recommended amount of water is 8 glasses of 8 ounce glass daily.
While on the diet, you are not required to perform any exercise. The cabbage soup diet does not include exercise as the criteria to lose weight as it focus exclusively on the food that you eat daily for a week. The meals that you will have in the cabbage soup diet may not be found on nearly all restaurants. As such you will have to prepare and cook you own meals and most likely you will be having meals at home.
Losing 10 pounds in a week is most likely to happen with the cabbage soup diet. Unfortunately this diet is only for one week and you are advised to stop the diet after the week. To lose more weight, you must continue with the diet only after resting for 2 weeks. This must be adhered strictly as this diet do not have sufficient nutrition. You are advise to balance the diet with some multivitamins to nourish your body with the much needed vitamins.
This diet is not appropriate for long term because it lacks in nutrition and calories. Also you might become bored fast because of the menu. Nevertheless the diet contains high fiber and it is low in fat. With this criteria, you will most likely to lose 10 pounds in a week and you will have your desired body shape soonest possible.
In the event you have to attend an extremely major event, and getting the dream body shape in the shortest possible time is of the utmost important, then you should give the cabbage diet soup a shot.
Another diet program that you should look into to lose approximately 10 pounds in one week is the Calorie Shifting diet program. With this diet program you will 4 specific reasonable size meals per day. The meals contain balanced food groups i.e carbohydrate, protein and fat.
With the Calorie Shifting diet program menu, your meals will be spread 4 times during the day which will results a metabolic effect which sustains the speed of your metabolism. This further makes your body to burn calories quicker hence making you lose weight quicker.
If you find this article useful and to learn much more about how to lose 10 pounds, visit Lose Weight In 14 Days. Also find more about the diet that increases your metabolism and makes you lose weight effortlessly here.
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