Tobacco For Cheap--Grow Your Own--It's Easier Than You Think!


  • Author Kathy Jones
  • Published August 27, 2009
  • Word count 645

If you are a smoker you are aware cigarette prices have increased drastically over the past several months. It's now impossible to find tobacco for cheap. Tobacco, already taxed substantially higher than most consumer goods, is the governments fattest, new 'cash cow!' They tell us, "It’s for your own good; if the price goes up, you’ll quit smoking…" But the truth is, they know that most people will not (or can't) quit. It’s all about money. Many hundreds of millions of dollars! The real reason for the big tax increase is to generate cash to help pay for the bailouts and deficits. Many states have also recently increased tobacco taxes to produce additional revenues. In most places, tobacco is now priced so high the average wage-earner cannot afford to smoke or chew anymore. However, history tells us most will continue to use tobacco, some how, some way, usually by cutting down on other purchases, sometimes even the necessities.

I ran across this quote, attributed to Napoleon III, back in the 1800's:

"This vice brings in one hundred million francs in taxes every year.

I will certainly forbid it at once - as soon as you can name a virtue that brings in as much revenue."

  • Napoleon III, (1808-73) French emperor, his reply when asked to ban smoking.

--Bloomsbury book of quotations

It just goes to show, "the more things change, the more they remain the same!"

You may have not have actually thought it through before, but if you purchase about a carton of cigarettes per week, and pay around $30, you are spending more than $1500 per year on smokes. Does your spouse/significant other also smoke? Then you can double that figure. In many parts of the country, cartons cost $40, $50, or even more. Math was always my worst subject, so I’ll let you figure out your own numbers. I think you’ll be shocked when you tally it up. I'm sure you now understand, there is no longer such a thing as tobacco for cheap.

So, you still want to know how to get tobacco for cheap? How about practically free!

Maybe it's time to consider growing your own tobacco for cheap, at home. Tobacco is actually easy to grow. It's care and culture is similar to tomatoes, and just about anybody can grow tomatoes, right? We often think of tobacco as being a southern crop, however it can be successfully grown in most climates, including Alaska with some preparation and care.

If you have several square yards of space in your front or back yard, or even an apartment balcony, it is possible to grow your own tobacco for cheap, real cheap!

You may ask, "Is it legal?" Yes! It is legal in all 50 states in the U.S., as well as most countries in the world, to grow tobacco for personal use. Many states and countries do not allow you to sell your tobacco; it's for personal use only. However there may be some areas where you can sell small amounts. Check your local laws regarding the selling of your homegrown tobacco for cheap.

In addition to getting tobacco for cheap, there is another very important benefit to growing your own. Commercial manufacturers add other substances to cigarettes. They no longer consist of just paper, tobacco and a filter. There are nearly 600 additives used in cigarettes, some of which are known carcinogens. Others are themselves addictive, or increase the addiction level of the tobacco. We all know that tobacco isn't good for us. However, many researchers believe the additives in cigarettes exponentially increase the health risks of smoking.

Think about it. Tobacco for cheap! No more costly packs of cigarettes, cigars or chew. You can now do it yourself, avoid the insane taxes, and save a boatload of money, while growing your own top quality, additive-free tobacco.

Kathy Jones is an avid gardener and a smoker. She is now growing cigarettes in the yard, and looking forward to saving several thousand dollars per year.

For more information and tips about starting and growing tobacco plants, please visit:

For some very scary information about the additives in your cigarettes, visit this site:

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