Be Potent By the Intake Zenegra Pills

Health & FitnessMedicine

  • Author Neal Oren
  • Published September 18, 2009
  • Word count 676

Be Potent By the Intake Zenegra Pills

Yes, impotency in the men can be treated by the Zenegra. Men are generally considered to be impotent when they suffer from the erectile dysfunction. When the men suffer from the erectile dysfunction they are not able to achieve the erection or sustain the erection, as a result of this they fail to have the sexual intercourse and become impotent. Impotency is found to be of the two types, first in which the sperms from the men are in very less quantity or they are not fertile enough, second in which the men are having the fertile sperms and in enough quantity but are not able to have the sexual intercourse because of the problems in the erection. The second type of impotency in termed as the erectile dysfunction and is found to be more prominent among the men. Very few men i.e. only 2% of the men in world suffer from the first type of the impotency problem, whereas 65% of the men suffer from the second type of potency, erectile dysfunction.

Men with the second type of the impotency i.e. erectile dysfunction can take Zenegra and become potent. Zenegra is the generic drug used to treat the erectile dysfunction in men. Zenegra is the generic version of the well-known erectile dysfunction drug, Viagra. Sildenafil citrate is the main constituent of the Viagra and the same is used in the Zenegra as an active constituent to treat erectile dysfunction. The concentration of the Sildenafil Citrate is also the same in both Zenegra and Viagra. The reason behind the same concentration of the Sildenafil citrate in the Zenegra and Viagra is the condition put forth by the Food and Drug Administration. Zenegra was invented soon after the discovery of the original Viagra as the newly launched Pfizer’s Viagra was very expensive.

The newly launched Zenegra was very cheap in comparison to the original branded Viagra as the manufacturer doesn’t have to invest the money into the research of the drug as it is already done by the original manufacturer. Even the money is not invested in the clinical trials as they are already conducted by the brand drug manufacturer. Zenegra even gets the advantage of the promotion and publicity done by the original Viagra manufacturer. As a result the lot of money is saved by the Zenegra manufacturer and thus they can afford to keep the costs of the drug very low. The main reason why Zenegra become such a success was it low cost with the best quality of the drug.

Zenegra is observed to solve the impotence problems in the men. Men were able to attain the erection and sustain in too for the long time with the single dosage of the Zenegra. Like the original Viagra, even Zenegra works as the inhibitor of the enzyme phosphodiesterase 5 that is responsible for reducing the blood supply to the penis and simultaneously to the impotence. Zenegra also increases the blood supply to the penis by improving the production of the enzyme cyclic guanoyl monophosphatase. Zenegra also holds the blood for more time in the penis by restricting the blood supply out of the penis. Zenegra thus allows the men suffering with the impotence to have a successful and to keep up his progeny by transferring his sperms to his partner.

Zenegra is found to be very successful in treating the impotence men, as is proved by the study conducted by the group of scientists These scientists claimed that the men who have used Zenegra are now able to have the successful intercourse and are proud fathers now. Zenegra has been able to once again light up the life of the men who were facing the problem of impotence by making them able to have satisfactory sex life. Men are really happy with the usage of the Zenegra as they are able to satisfy their partners during the sexual activity. Thus, it the advise of the doctors all over the world, to use Zenegra and improve your potency.

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