Hot Internet Book Marketing Event

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  • Author Lindee Rochelle
  • Published September 25, 2009
  • Word count 369


WEST CONSHOHOCKEN, Penn.—August 13, 2009—A "Gathering of Authors" marks Infinity Publishing’s tenth anniversary of not-for-profit conferences with prizes and surprises for attendees, Friday through Sunday, September 25-27 in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.

This year’s event sports a new format that shuns the standard conference schedule of panels and seminars. "Expert-led discussion circles will encourage more networking and collaboration," says John F. Harnish, Infinity’s Special Projects Director and conference organizer. "Our 2008 event experimented with this concept to high acclaim from attendees. Much like the ancient Greek symposiums, it celebrates the art of dialogue and facilitates the sharing of ideas and information, with more accessible networking."

Keynoters and presenters include publishing’s godfather and internationally-known speaker, Dan Poynter (, renowned book marketing expert, Brian Jud (; and former Writer’s Digest editor, Melanie Rigney (

Focused on the needs of attendees who are published or soon to be—regardless of their publisher or genre—the conference offers interactive workshops and sessions that explore today’s new world of internet marketing and promotion. "The heart of the weekend’s programs," says Harnish, "is alternative PR and how to use your book to establish yourself as an expert."

Attendees will hear from Internet media authorities Jeniffer Thompson ( and Penny C. Sansevieri (, who will offer effective approaches to social networking and marketing avenues. Discussion topics include how to become sought after for comments, presentations, and appearances.

Infinity’s popular tradition welcomes all authors for its tenth year to the (Sheraton) Park Ridge Hotel and Conference Center, Valley Forge, Penn. The all-inclusive registration provides for two nights’ lodging, meals, and activities ($569.00). Alternative, single-day options are available. (

The Gathering of Authors begins at 1 pm on Friday afternoon, with a meet-and-greet in the Park Ridge courtyard, followed by scheduled readings. The conference bookstore, with both Infinity and non-Infinity books for sale to the public, will be open Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. Infinity Publishing titles will be discounted 40%.

Infinity is an independent author-originated publishing company, with more than 5,500 titles in print, and For more information, contact John F. Harnish, Special Projects Director,

Press release by LinDee Rochelle, owner of Penchant for Penning, "Where writing is an art form." PFP ( is a writing and editing service for authors, publishers, and mainstream publications. Rochelle is founder of Women Writers Worldwide (, an online resource for all writers. A published writer for more than 15 years, she also works as an author advocate to advise emerging and established authors in all phases of publishing.

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