Why We Need A Great PDF to Word Converter?

Computers & TechnologyTechnology

  • Author Melvin James
  • Published December 25, 2009
  • Word count 578

Nowadays almost every computer has some kinds of software which is able to read PDF files, for example , Adobe Reader or Foxit Reader and so on. Why is that? Because PDF has become the most popular format. If you have the free PDF readers, you don’t have problems in viewing PDF at all. If you don’t, please install it right now and enjoy the beauty of PDF files.

PDF (Portable Document Format) looks so great on the screen, reading a PDF file is just like reading a book, the only difference is that books are in paper while PDF is on screen. That means PDF looks exactly the same as paper. That’s why so many people will scan paper as PDF format, or write PDF eBooks instead of publishing a book. Not only books, bills, invoices, job applications, contract, even government data may be saved in PDF format. Surprise? Not at all. There must be some reasons why PDF become a standard.

  1. Everyone can read PDF files as long as they have free PDF Reader

As we know, PDF format is rich in file integrity, regardless of the applications used to create them, a free PDF reader is the only requirement to view PDF files. It can look the same in different operation systems.

  1. Have great security

PDF file can be protected by both owner password or user password. The owner of a PDF file can set restrictions of copying or printing, or just set an opening password. Only the authorized person can read.

  1. PDF can be stored for a long time

PDF/A is the international standard for long-term archival storage. By creating PDFs that comply with the standard, companies are guaranteed their documents can be viewed and reproduced in exactly the same way for years to come, regardless of future changes to the PDF format. That’s why so many financial, government, educational organizations choose PDF format.

However, no matter how great PDF format is, we can’t edit it unless we purchase some kinds of PDF editors. The most professional PDF editor is Adobe Acrobat, which will cost you hundreds of dollars. It’s out of budget of many PDF users. Converting PDF to Word is a much easier solution to edit PDF.

We have been using Microsoft Office for long time. Most of us have good command of Microsoft Word. Try to think about it, if your boss wants you to get the contents from a protected PDF file which was created by a former colleague but he is not working for the company anymore, what will you do? Or you need to reformat your novel to meet the publisher’s demand, but you’ve lost the original Word file, how do you edit your work? Or you are working on the dissertation and need to quote lots of statistics from your professor’s PDF files, but the format changed after you copy and paste to Word document, you must be frustrated about that.

So people will hire freelancers to retype the PDF to Word. In fact, these problems can be solved easily if you have a good PDF to Word converter, which can preserve the original text content, layouts , images after conversion perfectly.

Now Microsoft Office provides the function of 'save as PDF', that means the amount of PDF files will be rapidly increased. But the situation you might meet will not changed. So a good PDF Converter is needed.

To find the PDF to Word converter mentioned above, please visit: [http://www.anypdftools.com](http://www.anypdftools.com).There you can find a lot of third-party software with different functions related to PDF.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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