Fad Diets - Quick Weight Loss Schemes

Health & FitnessWeight-Loss

  • Author William T. Hanks
  • Published January 8, 2010
  • Word count 306

A fad diet is defined by its promise to produce quick, easy, and fast weight loss. Permanent pound loss is not guaranteed, and enjoying a variety of food is usually forbidden. A lot of loss that occurs when following a such diet is from losing water and lean muscle and not body fat. This type of diet normally remains popular only for a short period of time only.

Those diets are not a healthy way of loosing extra weight, because any diet that excludes certain foods is not healthful. Because such diets are so restrictive it is clear that you can not follow a fad diet forever. And when you stop to follow you will gain weight again. In some cases, you will have even more pounds.

Persons are restricted from eating foods which contain nutrition required for the human for protection against sickness. For example, a diet with high protein may put an individual at a risk for calcium loss which could lead to osteoporosis.

Those ''quick weight loss schemes'' are especially bad for children and teenagers, because they rob the bodies of children and teenagers of growth hormones and other vital nutrients. It could have severe health consequences. Anorexia and depression are very common for young fad dieters.

Learn how to recognize fad diets and not fail to one of them:

Promise of quick results

Easy to follow

No exercise required.

Strong marketing

Elimination of entire food groups from the diet plan. Eliminating a major food group is dangerous, and could lead to malnutrition.

No mention of any scientific proofs to support its claims.

You can achieve major improvements in health and weight loss by changing your approach to cooking, eating and exercising. It does not have to be difficult, but it does involve commitment and planning to make your habits works for you.

After lots of wandering, William T.Hanks developed his own weight loss plan and now he wants to learn you how to lose weight using only natural methods. His mission is teaching others who are struggling with losing weight safely and keeping it off for good.

Visit his website Slimming Natural and learn more about proven weight loss methods.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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