Reasons Why You Can't Lose Weight

Health & FitnessWeight-Loss

  • Author Christian Walker
  • Published January 25, 2010
  • Word count 688

Reasons why You Can't Lose Weight Losing weight for you never seems to work. No matter how hard you try something or someone seems to sabotage your efforts and you end up just as fat or fatter than you were before you tried losing weight. Stop, before you go off and join some "Fat Is Beautiful" advocating group and spend the rest of your life berating "skinny" people for their harsh and politically incorrect view of fat people, you should consider looking into the reasons your diets fail. Perhaps there you can find a way to be successful and healthy.

The Reasons Why You Quit Your Last Diet

According to Health expert and Author Jon Benson these are some of the reasons you may have had to quit your last diet.

"I lost interest faster than I lost weight!"

That's probably because you weren't given enough variety. We all need variety, and that includes the foods we love to eat. Our solution allows you to enjoy the foods you love the most every single week...even every other day!

"I felt trapped, as if every meal was a chore."

We know that feeling really well! Here is the good news: a healthy weight-loss meal plan does NOT have to be a chore when you use our System. In fact, every meal can be one you look forward to. We will show you exactly how to manage your meals so you are never more than a few hours away from any food you want to eat...and yes, you will still lose weight!

"I could not stand the thought of dieting like that for the rest of my life!"

None of us like the thought of having our future limited and that's exactly what most diet plans do. They limit your choices, they limit your eating times, they limit your appreciation for food, and they make you feel guilty for enjoying all that life has to offer. With our solution you will learn how to have your diet work for your life and not against it!

"I had serious food cravings that drove me nuts!"

Many diets fail because they don't address the seriousness of cravings. This is because most diet creators have never had a real craving and they don't know how addictive high sugar foods can be. Our system was designed by us, the formerly obese. We know what it's like to have those cravings—and on our plan you never miss those foods. That makes it a lot easier to eliminate cravings!

"I didn't like the feeling of not fitting in socially!

The pressure to eat in social circles is huge. Many diet programs create a wedge between you and the world you live in by telling you to "just say no." With our solution, you can say YES! In fact, you should say yes. No one likes to be the one at the birthday party who says "I can't" to the birthday cake. From now on it's, "Yes, thank you!"

—-From Jon Benson's Every Other Day Diet

Find a diet plan that will work with you and not against you

If you find a diet plan that takes into account the reasons that you fail, you will be able to succeed. For instance, for me it was always a claustrophobic feeling that I was never going to be able to eat my comfort foods again and that I was going to be stuck scarfing down bean sprouts and lettuce, spritzed with lemon water, for the rest of my life. When my diets would plateau that was usually the last straw and I would head for the fridge on the run. Then I discovered a diet plan that was based on calorie cycling and I was able to have feed days on my diet where I could eat as much of my comfort foods as I wanted. Bam! I lost the weight and used the technique to keep it off. So you see it is not a matter of will power or big bones, it is a matter of finding a diet plan that fits you.

Christian Walker is an author, lecturer, teacher and he specializes in helping people become healthy in way that fits them best!

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