What Foods Can Help You To Lose Weight?
Health & Fitness → Weight-Loss
- Author Brad Bahr
- Published February 14, 2010
- Word count 467
Medicine has proved that weight gain is primarily caused by excess food consumption and the number of cases where weight is gained by a hormonal imbalance or thyroid malfunction is relatively low. Perhaps by learning a little more about food that helps you lose weight it will help with your weight problem. You are what you eat as the saying goes so if you want that great shape then you have to put in the effort an eat foods which promote weight loss. Your diet does not have to be boring as almost all categories of food have elements which are healthy and help weight loss.
You should try meals that have a variety of vegetables and although all will be good for you there are some that are better when it comes to weight loss like peas, boiled beans, cabbage and brussels. Weight loss food doesn't have to be uninteresting either and most people like a plate of spaghetti with tomato sauce but if then add veal or another low fat meat to the meal you have a healthy meal that is very tasty. Many meals highlight the combination of steamed white fish and vegetables a healthy low calorie option and you can even add mashed potatoes to this mix without worrying about calories. Other foods like yoghurt, porridge oats, rice (providing it is dark) and even low fat sweet cheese can be used successfully in a weight loss diet.
Of course fruit and vegetables should not even have to be mentioned but almost all of them have beneficial effects on the system and are foods that help with weight loss. Even the likes of strawberries, kiwi fruit and water melons are excellent examples of fruits that have this dual role of health and weight loss functions. People who exercise regularly should not need to worry too much about the high calorie content of figs and bananas but they are not an ideal weight loss food although grapes are. Most vegetables that are frequently used in salads such as tomatoes, celery, lettuce and cucumbers are also very good at helping with weight loss.
What should also be obvious is the omissions made here like sandwiches, fast food and sweet things like cakes are all going to cause problems and are in no way considered weight loss foods. Some manufacturers that do not want to lose their customers to health alternatives have managed to produce low-fat versions of many favorites like low-fat ice-cream, cookies, mayonnaise and even dark chocolate but there are many others. Low-fat foods are not necessarily a bad thing but that is not the end of the subject so before you include low-fat versions of all your favorite foods, check the labels carefully as you may find you will not lose weight at all.
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