Supplements for Children’s Health

Health & FitnessNutrition & Supplement

  • Author Karen Zabel
  • Published March 4, 2010
  • Word count 820

In a perfect world, every child would willingly consume all the fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy proteins needed to ensure proper physical and emotional development. Broccoli would be greeted with "oohs" and "ahhs" and the mere mention of brown rice would cause kids to squeal with delight.

But in the real world, kids all too often turn up their noses at the foods they should be eating, choosing instead to eat unhealthy foods, or to skip certain foods altogether. No matter how hard parents try, ensuring your child maintains a healthy, well-balanced diet can seem nearly impossible. Lunch swaps at school and snacks at friends’ houses can sabotage even the most vigilant parents’ plans.

Just like adults, kids need certain nutrients to stay healthy and ward off illness. But unlike their parents, kids also need certain vitamins and nutrients to ensure healthy physical and mental growth and development. Nutrients that aid in healthy bone, muscle and brain development are especially important during the years when children are growing, and parents need to do all they can to make sure their kids get the proper balance of these specific and vital nutrients.

When kids are less than cooperative in eating the foods that provide natural sources of essential vitamins and nutrients, parents can compensate by offering vitamins and other nutritional supplements currently on the market, including products that are formulated specifically for children’s needs.

With all of the nutritional supplements on the market today, it’s important for parents to focus on those that are most vital and necessary for children’s healthy growth and development. The following guidelines can help ensure you select the supplements most likely to be missing in your child’s diet, and those which are most important to include.

• Omega-3 fatty acids. Also referred to as essential fatty acids, or EFAs, omega-3 fatty acids may be familiar to parents as a supplement recommended for a healthy heart. EFAs are also essential for brain and neurological health, making them an especially important nutrient for children with developing brains. Studies indicate EFAs are concentrated in the brain tissue, where they play a major role in healthy learning (cognitive) and behavioral health and function. Unlike some nutrients, the body is unable to produce its own source of omega-3 fatty acids; therefore, foods or supplements are necessary to ensure the body gets a healthy supply. Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency can result in memory impairment, mood swings, circulation problems, and other conditions. Some studies have also shown that omega-3 fatty acids may play a role in preventing or mitigating ADHD and hyperactivity, as well as the aggressive behavior that can occur in children with ADHD. Still other studies have shown the nutrient helps reduce inflammation and irritation associated with asthma.

• Vitamin C. Best known as a nutrient vital for warding off colds and infections, vitamin C does play a major role in immune health. But it also contributes to the health of skin and other connective tissues within the body, making it an important nutrient for active kids with growing bodies, whose physical activity levels and needs may be different from those of adults. Vitamin C is readily available in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, but is easily broken down by the body, meaning it must be regularly replenished. Supplements are an ideal way to ensure that children receive a ready and constant supply of this vital nutrient.

• Vitamin B complex. These nutrients, including niacin and thiamine among others, are essential in maintaining a healthy metabolism, and may also be involved in maintaining a healthy immune system. Diets high in starches may result in a depletion of the B complex vitamins, and supplements that include them are a wise choice for children.

• Trace minerals. Calcium, zinc, and chromium are essential minerals that can be obtained from some fruits and vegetables. But even with a well-balanced diet, some health experts believe depleted soil does not allow enough of these nutrients to reach the food source. Choosing a supplement that includes these minerals can help improve metabolism and immune systems, as well as maintaining healthy bones, nerves, and muscles.

Many of these nutrients can be obtained through a high-quality multi-vitamin supplement specifically designed for children’s needs. Even when these or other supplements are added to a child’s diet, a multi-vitamin is still a good idea for most children. Be sure to choose a vitamin that is designed for children’s nutritional needs. Health and vitamin stores offer a good selection to help ensure you choose the best supplement for your child’s needs.

Children are notoriously picky eaters, and their reluctance to abide by a healthy and diverse diet can result in a lack of nutrients essential for healthy growth and development. By adding a multi-vitamin and other supplements, you can ensure your child receives the nutrients he or she needs for a lifetime of good health.

Karen Zabel is a freelance writer who writes about nutrition, fitness and vitamins .

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