The Biggest Health Myth Hurting Our Bodies Is Protein

Health & FitnessNutrition & Supplement

  • Author Deanna Bramble
  • Published April 12, 2010
  • Word count 1,078

The biggest myth circulating is that animal protein is the optimal quality protein. Protein is supposed to be the one thing-heck, virtually the only thing-that animal foods have going for them. The belief in the primacy of animal protein may be the most dangerous dietary myth circulating. Researchers have been trying to shoot holes in that myth for years, but the man who has finally put the kibosh on it is Dr. T Colin Campbell, the lead researcher in the most comprehensive study of health and nutrition in human history. For over 20 years (the work is ongoing), his study has looked at diet, nutrition, disease, and death rates in over 2400 countries. (The China Study by T. Colin Campbell).

We once thought the only way to get complete protein was through animal protein, and that it had to be superior to plant based eating. We thought to grow big strong muscles and be an athlete; it had to come from animals. This myth is taxing the human body and our health care tremendously. Ten essential amino acids create a complete protein. Essential amino acids cannot be made by the body and obtained in our diet. There are numerous complete plant protein sources and the larger the variety you consume the better. Pea, brown rice, and hemp are a few that rival animal products. Ounce for ounce Sea vegetables contain more protein than meat. They are also the highest in calcium, vitamins, and minerals more so than any other food group. Dulse and Nori are two examples of sea vegetables.

Will I get enough protein on a plant based raw diet? Even for a top athlete more than enough. The World Health Organization tells us to maintain optimal health we need about 5% of our daily caloric intake to be protein. The USDA says 6.5% is better for health. The avg. American gets 11 to 21% without even trying. In the US we have a disease of excess protein and not a protein deficiency. The body cannot use excess protein and it becomes toxic in the body. Animal protein makes us acidic and weakens our body rather than strengthening. Beans, Grains, Seeds, and Nuts contain about 10 to 25% protein. Vegetables are 20 to 50% on average. Amino acids can only be found in plants or animals that consume plants. Direct sources of plant amino acids are the most efficient way for our bodies to get enzymes, neutralize acidity in the body, and build muscle.

All calories are not the same in food. Whey protein is highly acid-forming, but yet sadly has been a past staple in our society for athletes. Once dairy get isolated and pasteurized it becomes even more acidic. The more man has touched the food and processed in general the more acidic it becomes. Keeping food in its original state is best. Acid forming foods include meat, dairy. Margarine, coffee, prescription drugs, artificial sweeteners, soft drinks, and flour based foods (white pasta, many cereals, conventional baked goods).It’s advantageous to maintain a neutral pH. Eating too many acid-forming foods will promote inflammation, reduce immune function and cause highly alkaline calcium to be pulled from the bones to keep the blood in its neutral state of 7.35.

Want a highly alkalizing protein that is already in amino acid form to be absorbed quickly? The body needs to convert protein into amino acids before it can use it and animal protein is very inefficient on the body. Raw spinach is 45% protein, and dark raw lettuce greens are mostly 40%. Hemp also is a complete protein that can easily be added to salads or shakes. The most alkalizing foods are dark leafy greens because they have the most chlorophyll

Try raw protein powders instead (hemp, rice, pea, artichoke, etc). On my website I have a link to a few good ones. In the old days we used to believe that complimentary proteins were what we needed. Now many studies have come to find that we do not need to combine amino acids. We can synthesize amino acids from a variety of food. Almost all fruits and veggies have the basic essential amino acids our bodies need. The rest of the amino acids our bodies make.

Consuming the highest quality protein is more important that quantity. You can benefit the most when you chose protein sources that complement each other while obtaining efficient amino acid absorption. If you want a healthy body weight and low fat, a plant based diet is perfect. Plant protein is the most easily digested form of protein. Many athletes are now discovering this for better performance and endurance, while not wasting organs or fuel on breaking down animal meat.

Plant-proteins do not have growth hormones, steroids, or antibiotics found in many meat sources. Fish are acid forming and also have heavy metals, mercury, and parasites.


Quality Nutrient Dense Plant Protein to try:

• Hemp protein (one of the most complete amino acid profiles of any plant-based protein)

• Yellow pea protein

• Brown rice protein

• Flaxseed (also high in Omega-3s)

• Chlorella (a microscopic, freshwater green algae from Japan)

• Almonds, other nuts and seeds (preferably sprouted, since sprouting pre-digests the proteins in seeds, making the amino acids more available to your body)

• Legumes

• Pseudo-grains (including quinoa and buckwheat)

• Sea Vegetables such as Nori and Dulse

When we consume animal fat and cholesterol (only found in animal products) we are clogging up our blood and making our blood platelets stick together. If you take a vile of your blood after eating animal products you will see the fat floating on the top. Anthony Robbins does this in one of his seminars to show people upfront what their blood looks like. This is super hard for your body to deal with, and only slowing you down. Working out does not automatically clean out our blood, and working out does not erase all the plaque build up from our arteries and organs. Oxygenation from working out does help keep our body stronger to fight toxins. The only way to a truly healthy body is to stop eating what is killing us, slowing us down, and making us weak. Our society is infatuated with healthy being defined by looks. If you are ripped with muscle or thin you must be healthy. Most body builders tax their organs hard by too much animal protein consumption. There are thankfully now many plant based body builders showing the way. Search Vegan bodybuilding sometime in search engines online.

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Health Educator, Fitness Trainer, Author and Healthatarian Deanna Bramble educates on how to have higher energy levels, look younger, have better athletic performance, and quality of life while avoiding disease at a cellular level.

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