Chiropractor Indianapolis IN | How to Deal with Childhood Injuries

Health & FitnessMedicine

  • Author Joseph Fortunado
  • Published June 5, 2010
  • Word count 588

How to Deal with Childhood Injuries

Everyone remembers their injuries as a child because they were terrible and you were so sure the end of the world was coming...that is until your mom washed it, put on antibiotic cream, a band-aid, and then kissed it all better. As a parent, you know that not all of the injuries that your child suffers are that simple to deal with. How will you know what to do when your child gets hurt?

Quick Fix to Childhood Injuries

All children fall down, suffering from scrapes, cuts, and bruises. For these types of basic injuries, your mother's instincts are best. These should be cleaned up with soap and water to eliminate any foreign matter that may be present. Then apply a liberal amount of a quality antibiotic ointment and cover with a band-aid.

These steps help the wound to heal without becoming infected. Then, of course, kiss it and make it all better. This is for the child. Because every child knows that moms and dads have kisses with magic to help them feel better.

When a Kiss Won't Work

If, however, the cut seems to be unusually deep or around the face, stitches may be necessary to promote proper healing. Often cuts on the face stand a better chance of not scarring if they are properly stitched up in a timely manner.

Other cuts, depending upon where on the body they are or how deep they are will also benefit from being closed with stitches. This is something your doctor will need to be involved in. They will be able to tell you if the stitches will be required.

If the fall is the result of riding a bike or climbing a tree, the injury could be more serious. Often these types of falls result in sprains or breaks. If the break isn't an obvious compound fracture (when the bone has broken through the skin), it can be hard to decipher if the bone is actually broken and requires medical attention or if it is a sprain that can be treated at home.

Sprains and Fractures

If the child's crying does not subside after a normal amount of time (this is different for each child), if the child is complaining of pain and can't put weight on the injured limb, or if the point of impact begins to swell, please seek the advice of a medical professional.

Often times, children will be diagnosed with a "green tree" fracture. These types of fractures will have bent the limb, but not broken the bone if you were to bend a green tree limb, the outside doesn't necessarily give way.

This used to be called a sprain, and was treated by simply wrapping the area for a while. X-rays will be required to diagnose a fracture, after that point, your doctor will work with you to determine if the area requires a cast, a splint or just to be wrapped up.

It is very important that any of these childhood injuries are treated correctly and watched closely. If they aren't, they could easily be the cause of adult issues such as spinal column problems, back pain and other issues that may require the assistance of a doctor or chiropractor. HealthSource would like to present you with a limited time complimentary consultation, a $179.00 value. Call 1-888-977-6734 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1-888-977-6734      end_of_the_skype_highlighting today to find a chiropractic office near you. HealthSource would like to present you with a limited time complimentary consultation, a $179.00 value. Call 1-888-977-6734 today to find a chiropractic office near you.

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