Detox Diets - The 24 Hour Detox Revitalization Diet

Health & FitnessNutrition & Supplement

  • Author Sacha Tarkovsky
  • Published September 10, 2007
  • Word count 639

Much has been written and said about diets and detox, but here we are going to present a simple 24 detox diet to cleanse your system, make you feel better and revitalise you with energy, its simple and very effective.

This 24 hour detox diet can be used after a period of over-indulgence, or when you awake feeling poorly and will revitalize you quickly.

This detox diet should not to be used everyday.

24 Hour Detox Diet Basics

The basis for this detox diet is 4 glasses of ‘fresh’ pomegranate juice, slow-cooked brown rice, a high-power vegetable salad, and 200 grams of raw almonds.

The combination will give you all the vitamins and minerals you need for your day, clear your body of toxins and oxidants, and give you plenty of energy to face the world. You will also lose a minimum of 600 grams to 1 kilo depending on your height and body weight.

Detoxing to cleanse your body

The pomegranate is a very powerful (the most powerful) anti-oxidant we know of in any food.

It has been shown to reverse and even prevent some cancers and heart disease.

The almonds will supply all the calories, oils, and proteins you need, without feeling hungry.

The salads are for bulk and all the vitamins and minerals that are gained from the eating of salads and vegetables.

The brown rice is also a wonderful antioxidant, and source of many vitamins and minerals that can be readily absorbed by the body.

The rules of this detox diet are simple:

  1. No coffee or tea, or any soft drink. The ONLY liquids that are allowed are the 4 glasses of pomegranate juice and much water as you can drink.

  2. If you are a smoker, try to stop for the 24 hours, or if you cannot, limit the cigarettes to as few as possible, and try not to inhale, but smoke the cigarette as you would a cigar.

  3. Take a hot shower or bath both in the morning and in the evening, scrubbing the skin with a brush, loofa, or special skin cloth that will stimulate good blood circulation. Also going to a sauna is a wonderful idea. Spend as much time there as possible, taking your food with you.

  4. Do not cheat; follow the diet plan. Eat ONLY when you are hungry, not by the clock.

  5. Exercise by any means (walking may be the best) for at least 45 minutes during the day. This is very important.

Detox diet Morning Meal

One glass of pomegranate juice, with a handful of the raw almonds. Do not overfill your stomach; when you are about 50% satisfied, stop.

Detox diet Mid-morning Snack

One bowl of the brown rice, with some natural soya sauce, and some tofu if you feel you need protein. One glass of water.

Detox diet Lunch

One glass of pomegranate juice and a mixed green salad, as much as you wish. A dressing of virgin olive oil, wine vinegar, and salt may be used.

Detox diet Mid-Day Snack

One glass of pomegranate juice, with a handful of the raw almonds. Do not overfill your stomach; when you are about 50% satisfied, stop.

Detox diet Diner

The last glass of pomegranate juice and a large bowl of brown rice.

No more food should be consumed with this detox diet.

You will have taken over 1200 calories, and a host of wholesome and healthful nutrients with this detox diet if followed exactly.

Moreover, you body will have had 24 hours to rid itself of the toxins absorbed by over-indulgence, or simply daily city life (stress, pollution and processed food products).

During the day When using this detox diet feel fantastic and alert.

We advise to not follow this detox diet more than one day weekly, as it is not effective as a general everyday diet. It is however highly effective as a quick pick me up and cleansing diet.


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