Author's articles

Laws for Non Profit Organizations and Donors
By Jolian Grant · 13 years ago
Laws in the United States cover both charities and donors. These laws are in place to protect the integrity of the system. They try and weed out the non-legitimate charity and protect the donors. Charities ...
Keeping Good Relationships Between PTO's and Principals
By Jolian Grant · 13 years ago
PTO leaders and their organizations help schools by fundraising. These fundraising activities are largely geared to certain items or groups. Principals on the other hand are responsible for the entire school. Their point of view ...
Why Should You Volunteer For a Charitable Organization?
By Jolian Grant · 13 years ago
Do you find it hard to motivate yourself to get involved with a charity? Do you intellectually know it would be good to volunteer your time but still can’t tear yourself away from the TV? ...
Fundraising Is the Same as Friendraising -2
By Jolian Grant · 13 years ago
In the previous article we took a look at how fundraising is about developing relationships. Long term relationships will help keep both volunteers and donors feeling happy being associated with your non-profit organization. There are ...
Cookie Dough for Band Fundraising
By Jolian Grant · 13 years ago
Getting to play music in school is an experience you’ll take with you for a long time. Music becomes a life long passion for some and even if you don’t get to play professionally it’s ...
Preparing for a K: 12 Fundraising Campaign
By Jolian Grant · 13 years ago
Every school year it’s the same thing. With school budgets these days the financing covers the essentials like teachers salaries, books and select pieces of equipment. After the money is divvied up among the necessities, ...
Teaching Students Life Skills Through Fundraising.
By Jolian Grant · 13 years ago
Fundraising activities may be held after school or on the weekends but as a teacher it is still a good opportunity to teach kids. The following are a few traits that can be instilled in ...
Christmas Fundraising Campaign Ideas
By Jolian Grant · 13 years ago
With the Christmas season fast approaching, there are ways to tie gift giving in with your fundraising goals. A Christmas fundraising campaign is a concern with some schools and charitable organizations, but it is possible ...
Hidden Concerns for Fundraisers
By Jolian Grant · 13 years ago
There are little hidden points in the run of a fundraising campaign that can sneak up on you. These hidden issues can rob you of your money, time or even both. Take a look at ...
Key Thoughts for Fundraising Success
By Jolian Grant · 13 years ago
Usually the only question about fundraising that comes up is "How much do we need?" There are several different considerations to streamlining a fundraising campaign. You don’t have to be intimidated though, a little thought ...
Fundraising and Motivating Your Troops
By Jolian Grant · 13 years ago
You’ve picked out your fundraising charity, you’ve decided what you will be selling for your campaign, you’ve also picked out local sites with the most amount of likely buyers, but have you done the most ...
Philanthropy Forecast for 2010 and Beyond
By Jolian Grant · 13 years ago
Philanthropy Forecast for 2010 and Beyond October 2009 has been an incredibly turbulent ride financially. The stock exchange has been hit hard, the dollar is down and we’re still trying to recover from the worldwide ...
Fundraising Sales Tips
By Jolian Grant · 13 years ago
All fundraising school groups are going to have to sell their items to generate money. Everyone starts with selling to mom and dad then moves on to friends. The more successful the campaign means the ...
Fundraising for Small Groups
By Jolian Grant · 14 years ago
If you have a target goal to raise for your fundraising and a small group you may feel that your options are limited. How are you supposed to generate the money you need if you ...
Sports Related Fundraising Ideas
By Jolian Grant · 14 years ago
Are you tired of selling chocolate bars to raise money for your school fundraisers? Do you spend a lot of time training for your sport with nutrition and practice that selling chocolate and sugary snacks ...
Tips to Increase Your Donations for Non-Profits
By Jolian Grant · 14 years ago
Every year it is the same the need for your fundraising charities is still there but it seems more challenging to get donations. Foundations have to compete with every other cause and the amount of ...
Pump Up a Fundraising Campaign
By Jolian Grant · 14 years ago
Imagine the school needs funds, the hospital needs the latest medical equipment or your church needs a new roof. You assemble your volunteers; pick your fundraising company and product. You hit the streets but the ...
Teaching Kids the Basics of Charity
By Jolian Grant · 14 years ago
Teaching children the concept of charity and giving can start early. By simple talks you can instill in a child the responsibility to look after those less fortunate. Parents can over think this but by ...
Active Fundraising Ideas for the Holidays
By Jolian Grant · 14 years ago
Although the holidays generally are not the best time of year to put on a fundraiser, it is possible to run a successful campaign. Money may be tight for many at Christmas or Easter but ...
What the Obama Administration Can Teach You About Fundraising – 2
By Jolian Grant · 14 years ago
In the previous article we looked at how Obama raised money for his campaign. With his master list of donors and campaign aids keeping in touch with them and always soliciting funds Obama was able ...