Author's articles

Do Antidepressants for Depression Work?
By Daniel Davis · 12 years ago
Whether you have been struggling with depression all your life or you are just experiencing this for the first time, you may think that antidepressants for depression are the answer. In some cases they work ...
Reasons and ways to stop smoking
By Saul C. Hudson · 12 years ago
Although smoking is a difficult addiction to kick it is an addiction that can be kicked and beating this addiction should be your number one priority in life. The effect of smoking on health can ...
Using The Patch or Gum to Quit Smoking
By Saul C. Hudson · 12 years ago
You can stop smoking no matter how addicted you think you are, how long you have smoked for or how many times you have tried before, but you have to want to do it and ...
Nicotine Replacement Therapy to Stop Smoking
By Saul C. Hudson · 12 years ago
There is no denying that smoking is a serious health hazard, an expensive habit and also a habit that is an extremely addictive and difficult to kick, but also one that can be kicked as ...
How to Give Up Smoking
By Saul C. Hudson · 12 years ago
Cigarette smoke contains over 4000 different chemicals and 40 of these are known to cause cancer. Smoking also results in heart disease and lung diseases such as bronchitis and emphysema to name but a few ...
Which Stop Smoking Aid Is Right for Me?
By Saul C. Hudson · 12 years ago
If you are finally ready to stop smoking you may be wondering which method will be the best for you. Should you just stop cold turkey? Maybe. Some people have reported getting sick with the ...
A Review of How Quit Smoking Products Work
By Saul C. Hudson · 12 years ago
Now that you have really decided to really stop smoking, you need to find out how the most popular quit smoking products work. First let's look at what causes cigarettes to get people addicted to ...
Do Stop Smoking Herbs Works?
By Saul C. Hudson · 12 years ago
More and more people are taking a natural look at the way they treat their medical problems and people who are trying to stop smoking are no different. There are a number of stop smoking ...
The Best Reasons to Stop Smoking
By Saul C. Hudson · 12 years ago
Most smokers who have been smoking cigarettes for a long period of time would like to stop smoking but still continue to smoke cigarettes year in and year out and hope that one day they ...